Immediately afterwards, Hongyi felt the ground under his feet, like boiling water, twisted, and then boiled.


Suddenly, an eager roar came, and I saw that Master Chen had pulled the witch hunter Guan Ning and jumped out of the door.

"The castle is about to collapse, hurry up..."

Hong Yi turned his head and glanced at the old man standing on the boiling ground with his eyes closed and his hands open as if embracing the world.

Run magic, turned around and jumped out of the castle.

"Amitabha, disciple of Hongyi..." In the square outside the castle, Master Liaochen saw that Hongyi had successfully jumped out.

"Old man..."

"It's still the dearest disciple!"


Hong Yi reached out and pushed him away, couldn't help wiping the saliva on his forehead, frowned and said:

"Master, how old are you...don't be like this!"

"The little monk is already an adult!"

"Hehe... isn't this exciting for the teacher!" Master Lu Chen smiled awkwardly and said:

"It's all thanks to you this time... or I think I'm really going to the west to serve my Buddha as a teacher!"

Hongyi: "..."

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi looked down at Guan Ning, the witch hunter who had fainted, and said:

"This witch hunter should be fine, right?"

Master Liaochen hurriedly stretched out his hand to probe her breath, picked up his arm to take a pulse, and then heaved a sigh of relief and said:

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little blood, it's not a big problem!"

"Go back and buy some black chicken and white phoenix pills to eat..."

"Women, you can get that much in a month, it's okay!"

"Teacher, let's get out of here quickly, I always feel that something is wrong with that old man!"

Suddenly, Hong Yi felt a gust of wind blowing behind him.

"Be careful……"

He quickly pulled Master Chen and hid aside.


I saw a silver cross that was blazing blazingly smashing a deep pit into the ground in an instant.


"How dare you hurt the members of the Demon Hunting Organization!"


The roar came from outside the black iron gate of the castle.

A sturdy white man, like a human-shaped truck, rumbled over the gate of the castle, and walked in with a grim look.

A light blue flame was burning on his body.

A look of anger.

Chapter 207 It's Dangerous to Pretend to Criticize When You're Old! (2 more…

Chapter 207 It's Dangerous to Pretend to Criticize When You're Old!

Hong Yi looked at the white man who looked like a bear in front of him with interest.

I am most interested in...


The whole body was on fire.

This is the legendary power user of the United States.


The white man glanced at Guan Ning, the witch hunter on the ground, stretched out his hand to pick up the flaming cross, and stared fiercely at Hong Yi and the two:

"Dare to hurt members of our Demon Hunting Organization..."


"Amitabha, this benefactor, poor monk..."

Hongyi didn't finish his words.

The white man violently lifted the cross high and smashed it down.

Immediately, a blue flame like hellfire suddenly hit from below the cross.

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