From the moment he came in, Hong Yi felt that the witch had the same smell as a vampire.

I am afraid……

This witcher organization has some dark secrets.

The moment Hong Yi took out Old Charlie's head.

A greedy look flashed across the witch's face.

"I don't know what you're going to do with this vampire marquis... my witcher organization is willing to pay a high price..."


Hong Yi reached out his hand to stop the angry master, and said with a smile:

"If the poor monk guessed correctly, this sorceress should also be a vampire!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire basement fell into a dead silence.

"Hehe..." The witch cracked her lips and smiled, reaching out and gently brushing the head of Old Charlie in front of her.

"Do you still know me? Charlie!"

Old Charlie, who had fainted several times, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the witch in front of him in horror, and said in disbelief:


"It turned out to be didn't die!"

'Jie Jie... Dracula is not dead, how can I die...' A trace of blood flashed in the witch's eyes, and she said with a wicked smile:

"I didn't expect it..."

"Although I, Lilith, have been deprived of the blood of a vampire, but..."

"How many years, thousands of years..."

"Finally caught a powerful vampire beside Dracula."

"I can……"

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi interrupted her directly, stretched out his hand and stuffed Old Charlie's head into his backpack again, and said with a depressed expression:

"The poor monk doesn't care what your worries or complaints are!"

"If you don't give the poor monk a satisfactory answer this time, the poor monk..."

The witch in front of her put on her hood again and stood up slowly.

"Yes, I used to be a vampire!"

"That was a long time ago... Once... I..."


Hong Yi interrupted again.

"The poor monk didn't want to hear about the rotten story of Chen Zhimao and millet. The poor monk just wanted to know, what happened this time... How to give the poor monk a reasonable explanation?"

"You are a good fish!"

By now, Hong Yi basically understood what was going on.

This witcher organization must have known the plan of this group of vampires in advance. This was obviously a game, and then led Hongyi out to destroy the vampires!

"I hand over the witcher organization to you..."

"The poor monk is like asking for one... What did you say?"

The witch slowly walked under the statue and said slowly:

"I hand over the witcher organization to you, and our half-underworld race will obey your call from now on."

Hongyi: "..."

What show is this playing?

And this witch is blind?

You don't even look at what's going on in your organization?

The poor are almost unable to solve the pot, and they even handed it over to the poor monk!

Is being a poor monk a fool?

"Amitabha, the poor monk is a monk, and he is dedicated to the Buddha...will not be contaminated with this kind of cause and effect!" Hong Yi put his hands together, his expression was solemn, and he said:

"The poor monk just wants to know how to compensate the poor monk this time... You have come all the way through your hard work... You..."

"The Witcher Organization controls half of the oil in the Middle will be yours from now on!"

"Speaking of this... when do you think the poor monk... will take office?"

Chapter 210 It's not the same as the poor monk's style! (1…

Chapter 210 It's not the same as the poor monk's style!

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