The door of the bar is also small, very broken, the kind of iron door with rust.

Hongyi reached out and pushed it away.

There is no deafening music in the imagination, it is very quiet inside.


There is a big gap between this American bar and China's!

The entire bar is not big, there is only one bar table, and a girl with long red hair is standing behind the stage with a smile.

There are groups of vicious middle-aged people sitting on various small round tables in the bar.

One by one is full of fancy tattoos.

At first glance, he is not a good person.

Just after Hong Yi walked in, everyone narrowed their eyes and stared at him playfully.


Hong Yi ignored these old American gangsters, took out a flashlight from his backpack, reached out and turned on the switch, and walked quickly to the nearest fat white man.

"Look carefully, is that this?"

She turned her head and said to the little loli beside her shoulders.

I saw Little Loli shaking her head, Hong Yi let go of the hand that was pulling the white fat man's hair, and went on to the next one.


The fat man who had reacted immediately slapped the table and flipped the table angrily.

He pulled out a black pistol directly from his waist and cursed at Hong Yi:

"Damn... how dare you provoke..."

Hong Yi directly stretched out his hand and held the black pistol in his hand, his fingers slowly exerted force, and suddenly the pistol began to deform.


He then threw the pistol that was crumpled into a black iron lump aside, patted the already stunned white man on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Amitabha, the poor monk is just looking for someone, don't react like this... you continue!"

After he finished speaking, he ignored him, turned around and came to a fat black man behind him again.

"It's not this... it's too dark!"

Resolutely bypassed him.

That's it... The entire bar was silent, and everyone looked at the yellow-skinned oriental man in front of him with a demented expression.

I saw that every time he came to a person, he turned his head to the air next to him and said something, and then he went on to the next one!


Is this a psychopath?

Talk to the air?

But I was able to crush the pistol just now. Could this Chinese man be a power user?

Everyone stared at Hong Yi silently, comparing everyone one by one.

After a long time.

"Isn't there? Impossible?" Hong Yi turned his head and asked Xiao Loli again:

"Is it too long, you forgot?"

All these white fat people have been compared, and none of them are!

"No..." Little Loli nodded firmly.

"Amitabha..." Hongyi gloomily swept over everyone in the bar, and couldn't help but say:

"Everyone, the poor monk wants to ask, here..."

Not finished!

"Hahahaha... My old Flack is back!" There was a burst of arrogant laughter from the door, and a fat white man in a black T-shirt walked in with a sack.

"What's wrong? Everyone, tonight I caught a fresh little black loli..."

"Hey... let's play together!"

Saying that, the fat white man threw the sack on the ground. Suddenly, a little black girl with brown hair emerged from the sack with trembling all over. Her face was full of horror, and her small eyes kept sweeping over everyone. go.

"Hey...why don't all of them speak?" Old Flack saw that everyone in the bar was stunned, and couldn't help but smile again and said:

"Little black loli! Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Amitabha!" Hongyi's face was ugly, he looked gloomily at the black child on the ground, and looked up at the white man in front of him.

"Is it him?"

Asked softly to the ghost little loli.

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