He reached into the storage space in the backpack and groped for a while.

What is so soft?


After a long time, Hong Yi looked at the ghost loli sitting timidly beside him, and rubbed his temples vigorously.

When did this little loli get into her bag?


What the hell, you are a foreign ghost, what are you doing in Huaxia?


"Ah...don't!" Little Loli pursed her lips tightly and whispered:

"Don't hit me... just let me go with you!"

"I can take care of you!"

Seeing that Hongyi was still about to explode, Little Loli hurriedly said:

"Really, I can warm the bed, rub my back... I can..."


Hong Yi stretched out his hand and directly stuffed the little loli into the ghost storage space in the bag, then threw the Wraith Doll into it and zipped it directly.

So annoying!

I don't know when I can come to the United States next time!

Is this little ghost going to follow this poor monk all the time?

too difficult!


China, the capital of Qin, the ancient imperial city.

In the splendid golden hall, a man wearing a golden dragon robe stood in front of the dragon chair with his hands behind his back, his green eyes slowly swept over the ministers below.

I saw that most of his hair was shaved on his head, leaving only a pigtail-like braid.

"Your Majesty... Are you going to court now?"

A father-in-law in a black and blue eunuch uniform came over and whispered.

The man in the dragon robe slowly sat on the golden dragon chair and nodded majestically.

"The last court... If there is something to play early, if there is nothing to go back to the court!"

A eunuch's voice, like a male duck crowing, spread throughout the hall.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

One after another black shadows kept appearing in the golden hall. After a while, on both sides of the red carpet below, all the ferocious ghosts dressed in government offices were all kneeling on the ground and shouting in unison.

"The dragon's veins in the capital have collapsed, and I have led all of you to come to this Qin capital." The golden dragon-robed figure stretched out his hand, looking contemptuous of the world.

"My Daqing Dynasty's rule will start again from Qindu!"


"Pass on my will, everyone in the entire Qin capital, keep their hair but not their hair, keep their hair but not their heads!"

"Within 7 days, I want to see...everyone shave their hair voluntarily and become citizens of my noble Daqing Kingdom."


Immediately, all the ghosts in official robes bowed their heads in unison.

In the blink of an eye, the ghosts turned into black shadows and flew out of the golden hall in an instant.

Just after all the ghosts flew out.

The old eunuch lowered his head and leaned in front of the dragon chair, and said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, the servant yesterday...in a cemetery outside the city, he caught a stunning female ghost. He has already dressed up tonight, and is in the bedroom at this time..."

After the man in the dragon robe listened, he smiled at the old eunuch.

"Thank you for having this heart!"

"Then I will go and see how stunning this modern female ghost can be!"

"Yes..." The old eunuch hurriedly bent over and said yes, and led the man in the dragon robe to the back of the hall.

At this time, in a hall called the Palace of Judgments.

A woman wearing a red and white ancient costume was hiding behind a screen in horror, holding a phone in her hand, dialing constantly.

"It's over... it's over..."

"What is this Hongyi doing? Can't get through the phone?"

If Hong Yi is here, you can see that the woman wearing a concubine's costume at this time is the secluded part of her own family.

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