The face of the dragon-robed zombie in front of him suddenly fell.

Green eyes gleamed coldly.

He reached out and called the old eunuch next to him.

"Your Majesty! I don't know this! I really don't know!"

The old eunuch hurriedly knelt on the ground, kept kowtowing and crying.


A dull bang.

Youyou trembled and took two steps back, staring at the pulpy old eunuch who was slapped by the zombie emperor's palm.


Come on, this cute girl can't do it!

How scary!

"Someone..." I saw the dragon-robed zombie beckoning again, and the fat palace maid on the side stepped forward.

"Put this bitch into the cold palace..."

"Just ask, who is that man? Dare to be before me... hum!"

With a cold snort, all the maids and eunuchs in the entire hall fell to their knees.

After the dragon robe zombies leave.

"Let's go... Mother... Mother!" Looking at the two palace maids who kept dragging her, she took a deep breath and shouted loudly:

"You have the ability to kill me!"

"My husband is amazing!"

"It will definitely kill you!"



Qin Du is in a strange bureau.

Hongyi, who had just got off the plane, took a taxi without stopping and rushed back.

Reach out and open the door of the conference hall on the third floor.

Hong Yi couldn't help but withdrew again.


Is there a room full of people cultivating immortals?What's more, how many cigarettes have been smoked, I can't see anything clearly.

"Hongyi!" Gu Heng took Hongyi's hand with a sad face, and said in a heavy tone:

"This time you must..."

Hong Yi quickly wiped the saliva from his face, interrupted him directly, and turned to look at Qin Lan.

In terms of reporting ability, Qin Lan is more reliable.

Qin Lan stretched out his hand and turned on the big screen on the wall of the Supernatural Bureau, after which there was a rustling sound of snowflakes.

A strange picture appeared on the TV.

I saw a ghost in Daqing Dynasty clothes, next to several TV staff in work clothes lying in a pool of blood.

"Jie Jie..."

The ghost smirked.

Lines of blood suddenly appeared on the entire screen.

"Leave the hair but not the head, keep the head but not the hair!"

"Within 7 days, the entire Qin Dynasty who did not shave their hair will be killed by my Daqing Dynasty..."

"Jie Jie..."

After the lines of blood disappeared, Qin Lan turned off the screen and said in a heavy tone:

"At present, all TV stations in the entire Qindu have broadcast this news, so more than 80% of the people in the entire Qindu have also known that we..."

"We're running out of time!"

"And since yesterday, the entire ancient palace has been shrouded in ghosts, and outsiders can't get in through the ghosts at all. Even the helicopters dispatched have also disappeared strangely above the palace. The pilot's life and death are still unknown."

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi nodded, pondered for a moment and said:

"Where did these Daqing country ghosts come from?"

Before the entire Qin Dynasty went to Nangu, it can be said that all of them have been cleared. It is reasonable to say that such a large-scale supernatural incident cannot occur again.

"This... After speculation, it should be from Kyoto!" Qin Lan handed a fax in his hand to Hong Yi.

"This is from Kyoto two days ago. It is said that in the tomb on the outskirts of Kyoto, a dragon vein of the Daqing Dynasty collapsed, and it is suspected that a ghost has escaped. I ask all places to attach great importance to it!"

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