A pale green gauze tent surrounded the entire bed.

"Giggle... Your Majesty!"

"It's so itchy..."

"Take it easy!"

In the blue gauze tent, bursts of intriguing laughter were constantly heard.


The zombie emperor wearing a golden dragon robe was leaning on the bed at this moment, with his left arm around a disheveled woman. I saw a pair of small white hands of the woman, stroking the emperor's dark zombie skin, constantly sweeping gently. moving.

"Emperor...you can promise me to be the queen!"

The woman pouted her small mouth, her eyebrows were slightly curved, and she said with a rather aggrieved expression:

"I heard that you found another woman to come..."

"Haha..." When the zombie emperor heard this, he immediately hugged her into his arms and said softly:

"Concubine Ai, after 7 days, all Qins will submit to my Daqing Dynasty. At that time, I will definitely make you the queen."

Saying that, the corner of the emperor's mouth evoked a sinister smile, and whispered in the ear of Concubine Rong.

I saw Concubine Rong's face suddenly turned red, she reached out and patted his chest lightly, and said angrily:


"What is there to touch!"

"Hehe..." The emperor rolled over and sat up, chuckling softly:

"Ice cold... I just like it! Hurry up..."

Concubine Rong, who was in front of her, blushed, raised her legs helplessly, and said timidly:

"Then be gentle!"

Saying that, Concubine Rong gently put a pair of greasy little feet in front of the emperor, only to see her frowning and saying something softly in her mouth.


A pair of small, white feet instantly turned into a cyan snake tail, and the snake tail kept scratching on the zombie skin in front of the emperor.

"Do you like it? Your Majesty?" Concubine Rong winked and said with a smile:

"Is it cool?"

The zombie emperor nodded, closed his eyes slightly, and gently brushed the cyan snake tail with his palm, as if he was holding a peerless treasure.

"Concubine Ai... Zhen..." The zombie emperor suddenly turned around, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Concubine Rong greedily.

"Come back?" Concubine Rong suddenly blushed and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hehe... I've been in the tomb for a long time..." The emperor put down the tail of the snake with both hands, sat up slowly, stretched out his hand and tore off the dragon robe and threw it aside, then pounced on it.

"I will take good care of you...haha..."


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the door of the main hall.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow flew from the door to the bed.

The zombie emperor turned his head and glanced at the corpse on the bed, and couldn't help but have blue veins on his forehead.

For the convenience of the two worlds.

All the maids and eunuchs had already been dispatched, and only a team of loyal guards remained at the door.


I just heard a childish voice coming from the door, and then a white figure jumped in instantly.


Hong Yi, who flew in, glanced at the bed and couldn't help but swear.

"Cheating... Take out your phone and take a video first, this old man is going to be hot!" Gu Heng, who came in immediately, exclaimed, and hurriedly took out his phone from his pocket, facing the scene on the bed. Shooting non-stop.

A few people who followed behind took a look, and Youyou and Qin Lan turned their heads away with flushed faces.

Wang Daochang gave a thumbs up to the emperor on the bed, as if you were criticizing.

Mu Yu was so young, looking at the scene in front of him, he turned around directly.

Hong Yi frowned, walked slowly to the side of the bed, and reached out to lift the veil up.

Just as the veil was lifted up, the drone controlled by the system flew in, and directly gave a close-up package to the two dazed people on the bed.

[Fuck... This is a real benefit! 】

[Nima Yo... Where's Lao Tzu's tissue? 】

[This is so special... Zombies are so good at this! 】

[Is it really a snake? 】

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