Kuoyi, this is the emperor!

"Jie Jie..." The man in the dragon robe slowly raised his palm, grinned, and waved it down sharply.

"Be careful..." Qin Lan raised his head and glanced, and hurriedly snorted.

I saw that on the top of Hong Yi's head, I don't know when, an ice blade appeared, and the ice blade looked exactly like the big knife used for beheading on TV.


Hong Yi raised his head and glanced at it, not panicking at all, letting the ice knife slash on his bald head.

A burst of shattering sounds rang out.

Hong Yi reached out and grabbed the ice blade, pinched it in his hand, and crushed it directly.

"Amitabha... Your Majesty the Emperor." Hong Yi wiped the ice water on his head and smiled at the man in the dragon robe in front of him.

"You can't do this knife! You can't even scratch the skin... It's time to sharpen it!"

The expression of the man in the dragon robe suddenly froze.

What the heck, what did the monk say!

Simply invisible!

"Humph...I'll show you the power of our Daqing Dynasty..."

Saying that, the man in the dragon robe opened his hands.

"Amitabha... Your Majesty, it's not dawn yet, so I can't embrace the sun!" Hong Yi then teased.

The man in the dragon robe twitched his forehead, narrowed his eyes, and gave Hong Yi a hazy look.

Then he opened his hands and looked like he was ruling the world.

"Imperial coercion..."

"Suddenly, an invisible coercion enveloped everyone in Hongyi.

Hong Yi practiced "I Am Bodhicitta", and his heart has long been unaffected by the outside world, so he has no feeling at all.


"Quick, support me..." Gu Heng and others next to him supported one by one, standing together with difficulty, their legs kept shaking and bending, as if something was pressing on their body.

"Alas..." Hong Yi sighed and pushed the crowd out of the hall with a push of both hands.

Later, maybe these few people will kneel to the emperor!

"Jie Jie... The little monk can..." The man in the dragon robe glanced at the little monk who was still standing proudly at the door, and couldn't help but grin again.

"Do you know the consequences of the emperor's anger?"

After hearing this question, Hong Yi was a little confused for a while, and said inaccurately:

"The consequences of the emperor's anger?"

"Hey...is that so?"

Dragon Robe Emperor: "..."


What does this monk take me for?

Damn it!


"Today, I will let you, a foolish people, see the consequences of the emperor's anger." I saw the round eyes of the emperor of the dragon robe, and a faint green light shot out from his eyes.

"The emperor is angry, and the corpse is buried in a million!"

A deafening roar.

"Boom... boom..."

The entire hall began to shake continuously.

"Bah..." Hong Yi wiped the dust falling from the top of his head, fanned the dust, and couldn't help but go backwards.


Is this the emperor's anger?

All the dirt fell off, okay?

"Damn it..."

As soon as he stepped out of the hall, there was a burst of exclamation when he stretched out his hand, and then...

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live..."

A tidy worship sound resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Hong Yi couldn't help but look back, frowning as he looked at the soldiers lined up densely on the ground in front of the hall.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

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