"Your surname, little monk! Our brothers are going to live broadcast tonight, do you want to come and have a show?"

"Does the internet celebrity know? Our brothers are..."

"You will be the first member of our fan club by then."

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi listened, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, his hands clasped together, and he lowered his head slightly and said:

"The poor monk's name is Hongyi!"

Are these two going live?

"Hongyi?" Xiong Er pondered in a low voice after hearing this, and reached out to pat Xiong Da, who was driving.

"Brother, why does this name sound so familiar?"

"Nonsense, can you not be familiar with it?" Xiong Da said angrily:

"Didn't we just watch the internet celebrity named Hongyi to prepare for the live broadcast?"


Xiong Er couldn't help exclaiming, and hurriedly turned around and looked at Hong Yi carefully.

"It's kind of like it!"

"That's Zhang's image. He's a big internet celebrity, right? Ferrari knows that? Everyone drives a Ferrari..."

"But little monk, you have the same name as the Internet celebrity, and you look a bit like it, or you live broadcast the whole thing, maybe it will be popular!"

"Not bad! It should be okay to rub some heat or something!" Xiong Da also nodded and said sideways.

The two never doubted whether the monk in front of them would be the one on the live broadcast.


How can it be!

Whoever goes out is not a group of people to follow, how can it be possible to come here alone.

And looking at the monk's appearance, it is obvious that he has been gone for a long time.

Not even a car.

After Hong Yi heard this, he couldn't help touching his bald head.


Is the poor monk so hot now?

Hongyi, who had not slept all day and night, leaned on the seat and slowly fell asleep.

The car is moving fast.

After a few hours, the car slowly stopped.

"Little monk, it's time to go!"

Hong Yi, who was sleeping, slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

This is it?

"Our brothers are also going to the town for repairs. Let's leave it now. Don't forget to watch our live broadcast at night!" Xiong Er rushed to Hongyi, who got out of the car, and waved his hand. Before leaving, he kept shaking his phone at Hongyi.


Hong Yi glanced at the dilapidated town, turned his head and walked directly to the Temple of the Earth.

Looking at the dilapidated small town, it is better to go to the Temple of the Earth first.

Chapter 231 Hey, brother, how do you sleep in my coffin? (…

Chapter 231 Hey, brother, how do you sleep in my coffin?

Hongyi rushed all the way to the Temple of the Earth.

The entire land temple is located at the bottom of the mountain next to the ghost town, which is very dilapidated.


Hong Yi looked at the earth temple full of spider webs, and couldn't help frowning. He looked around, but there was no place to rest.

I knew that I should have a rest in the ghost town.

Looking at the time, it's not even 3pm.

Slowly rip off the cobwebs on the wooden door and push the door open.

I saw a few black coffins neatly placed in front of the statue of the land man.

Hongyi made a few circles around the coffins.

Can't help nodding.

That's right, it should be here.

I just don't know how to get to Huangquan Bridge from the first stop, the Earth Temple.


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