Immediately, the three of them stood there honestly.

"Reverse..." Fatty turned the woman who was standing upside down behind him.

"Here's your head..." Hong Yi angrily threw the woman's head to her.

"Poor monk..."

At this moment, a wretched voice came from outside the Temple of Earth.

"Is it open?"

"Brother, hurry up and's already opened!"

Just listening, a person straightened his throat and said in a low voice:

"Friends from the audience, we are the new spiritual anchor. I am Xiong Da, and next to this is my brother Xiong Er. Let's explore this land temple tonight!"

"It is said that this earth temple..."

"Come on, friends in the live broadcast room, let's go in and see..."

"The two of us have been in the ghost hunting business for many years, and we have seen all kinds of ghosts..."

"It's definitely not bragging... Even if there are ghosts in it now, our brothers will never change their faces!"

Chapter 233 Get up, hit the road! (4 more)

Chapter 233 Get up, hit the road!

"That's right, let's go in and see..."

The moment the two brothers stepped into the door, looking at the strange situation in the house, they were stunned in place.

I saw a monk sitting quietly on a black coffin.

There are three...

What the hell!

This is the ghost!

Xiong Da glanced at a ghost woman holding her head in her hands, couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and then looked at the man next to him who was burnt to charcoal, only to see him grinning at himself, suddenly black and dry meat scraps on his face kept falling.

"Brother... hurry up and get the props!"

Xiong Da couldn't help but dragged Xiong Er, who was also stunned in place.

"Bah..." Xiong Er, who had reacted, pulled out a peach wood sword directly from behind, and danced with one hand in various movements in the Temple of Earth.

Just listen to him shout.

Holding a peach wood sword, he instantly stabbed a fat ghost in front of him.


Filed in.


Then only the fat man in front of him pulled out the peach wood sword expressionlessly and threw it aside.

Hongyi just heard the voices of these two brothers, but he didn't expect...

The two actually actually started the live broadcast and ran into the Temple of the Earth.

"Amitabha... Come, you two!" Hong Yi turned his head and waved to the brothers, saying:

"Wait until the poor monk is done!"

He turned his head and said to the three ghosts in front of him:

"Do you understand what the poor monk said just now?"

"Understood... Master!"

The three ghosts in front of them answered in unison.

Hong Yi nodded after listening.

"The poor monk started to overtake you to get on the bus. I remembered the name of the poor monk in the Western Tianbao..."

The golden light flashed across his palms, and the three ghosts in front of him suddenly turned into a wisp of gray smoke and dissipated.

Three ghosts with less than 2000 fear points, really...

"So this is the real master!"

Xiong Er saw the golden light flashing from Hong Yi's palms, and the three ghosts who were fierce and vicious just now disappeared. He couldn't help but come over and whispered:

"Our two brothers have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, I didn't expect that the master is the master!"

"Master, are you interested in live streaming?"

"How about the 55 split?"

Saying that, he pulled Xiong Da also over and said excitedly:

"Master, look, we are full of gimmicks!"

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