"It's really pitiful. What are you running at at such an old age? It's time to burp!"

[Author's digression]: There will be a chapter later...

Chapter 237 After this bowl of soup, the poor monk is yours...

Chapter 237 After this bowl of soup, the poor monk is yours!


A low gasp.

The old lady who was lying on the ground abruptly sat up.

He reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He gently grabbed the shoulder of the monk in front of him.

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi, who turned his back to the past, felt a strange feeling from his shoulders.

When I turned around, the old lady behind me was sitting up again!

What the hell!

Wasn't this special spitting blood just now?


Hong Yi lowered his head and looked sideways at the fingers resting on his shoulders, there was not even a trace of flesh and blood, the whole was a black skeleton hand with a green light.

"Jie Jie..."

The old lady tilted her neck, looked at Hong Yi sideways, and grinned.

"Wait for the old man for a while, the old man will come after taking the soup..."

After speaking.

The whole person instantly turned into a black smoke and disappeared directly in place!

Hongyi wanted to reach out and hold her, but he didn't expect that, before he could reach out, this old lady had such a strange method that she just disappeared!

"Fuck..." Xiong Er's legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he moved to Hong Yi's side with difficulty, and whispered:


"Is this old lady the same old lady Meng who poured soup?"

"I think so too... But, why doesn't this old lady get angry?" Xiong Da also came over and said solemnly:

"It is said that there is indeed a lady Meng in the underworld... But, isn't it said that Granny Meng is a beautiful woman? What the hell is this old lady?"

"Brother... What kind of broken book are you reading!" Xiong Er stretched out his hand and hammered his shoulder, with an expression like you know a woolen thread, and then said sternly:

"I heard that this Meng Po is a fairy in the sky. It was because she made a mistake that she was banished to the underworld and in charge of this Meng Po soup."

"And, haven't you heard of it?"

"Mengma, and Hongniang are sisters, think about it, one is responsible for pulling the red line, the other is responsible for breaking the red line..."

"Tsk tsk...but this old lady looks weird to me!"

Xiong Da turned his hand and hammered Xiong Er as well, and said angrily:

"Where did you read the broken book, I am the ghost spirit passed down by the master who read it, and what I said is absolutely correct!"

"Fuck..." Xiong Er smacked him again, his eyes rounded.

"What I saw was also given to me by the master, isn't it called ghost talk?"

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi closed his hands, squinted at the two brothers with thick necks and stared at him, and couldn't help sighing deeply.

What kind of tricks did this special dog author write?

I haven't seen a IQ online!

Isn't it like adding difficulty to poor monks?

Tonight must be served by a small whip!

"Jie Jie...come...come..."

Suddenly, there was a deep, hoarse laughter in the distance, and the three turned to look, only to see that the old lady just now had come not far away.

Moreover, there was a big black pot in front of the old lady.

At this moment, the white mist kept floating up, and on a pure black crutch next to it, there was a lantern shining with green light.

"Come on……"

The silver-haired old lady squinted her eyes, and waved to the three of Hongyi, and there was a voice that seemed to fascinate people.

"Hehe...I'm coming...I'm coming..."

"Let's go together, Xiong Er, I'll come too... Hehe, I'll come too..."

Suddenly, the two brothers next to them closed their eyes, and in Hong Yi's opinion, they should be happy enough to ascend to heaven.

I saw the two of them raised their heads and smiled foolishly. The whole body seemed to be out of control, and slowly moved towards the old lady stiffly.

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