Immediately, the two brothers were stunned and looked at each other.

Neither stepped forward, obviously hesitant.

After all, this is a small underworld, not a real underworld. Who knows if the Three Lives Stones are real or fake.

Hong Yi nodded at the two brothers, smiled slightly, and moved forward.


He stretched out his hand and pulled Xiong Er, who was closest to him on the side, in front of him, pushed him with both palms, and immediately pushed him in front of Sanshengshi.


Hong Yi looked up at the picture on the Sansheng Stone, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

What's so special, I didn't expect this Xiong Er's previous life to be this!

It's a batch!

Chapter 239 Mother Gan Lin!This is a fake! (2 more)

Chapter 239 Mother Gan Lin!This is a fake!

Xiong Er also stared blankly at the one who kept scratching his head and making gestures displayed on the Sansheng Stone in front of him...

What's the matter, Lao Tzu turned out to be a dog in his previous life?

And still a second?

For a time, Xiong Er simply couldn't accept it!

What about the good general?No matter how bad it is, you can be a beggar. What's the matter with you giving the whole dog?

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi reached out and patted Xiong Er's shoulder, comforting:

"The previous life is not important, let's look at the next life!"

After listening, Xiong Er pursed his lips, nodded, reached out and gently brushed the Sanshengshi in front of him, and whispered in his mouth:

"The next life must be rich... the next life must be rich!"

I saw Sanshengshi's mirror-like picture kept getting hazy.

Immediately afterwards, a picture full of style appeared.

Pure black leather shoes, a golden sofa that looks noble and unusual at first glance, a well-cut suit, and a handsome face.

"Fuck... I knew..." Xiong Er glanced at the man in the picture and couldn't help cheering.

"Look! Lao Tzu will be such a high-end, grand, and high-end rich man in his next life!"

"Look at this suit, it's not cheap at first glance... oops, it's so beautiful!"

"Brother, if you are dead now, I will support you in the next life!"

Hong Yi glanced sideways at the picture on the Sansheng Stone again, and saw that the whole picture kept shrinking, and then...

Locked at the feet of the man in the suit!


This is really a sad story. The Three Lives Stones in front of me are simply too bad. Is there anything?

What's your special display? There are far and near lenses?

He couldn't help reaching out and patted Xiong Er, who was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and silently pointed to the Sanshengshi mirror in front of him.

"Big brother... I really don't have any criticism from you in this life, Xiong Er..."

"However, I, Xiong Er, will definitely be more popular than you in my next life!"

Xiong Er stretched out his hand and patted his chest, pointed at Sanshengshi and said:

"Look at my style in my next life... Don't say anything else, just look at this face... I'm a motherfucker!"

Xiong Er, who raised his head and glanced at Sanshengshi, froze in place.

This Nima is not right!

What about Laozi's handsome boss look?

What about pit father?

Xiong Da couldn't help but stepped forward and glanced at it, and saw next to a pair of delicate leather shoes, a Shar Pei dog with no hair on his body was lying on the side at this moment, his long tongue drooping outside.

Xiong Da glanced at Xiong Er and compared it!

Don't tell me, it's really similar!

He reached out and pulled the collapsed Xiong Er back, and patted his shoulder lightly.

"Boss... I'll come!"

Having said that, Xiong Da took a step forward!



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