"Amitabha, what are you doing wrong? You are lying here!"

"Do you know how much damage it has done to the poor monk's mind?"

"The poor monk beat you to death!"

"I'll call you 200 yuan!"

Before the female ghost could react, Hong Yi's eyes turned white.

"Say... Who asked you to do this?" Hong Yi saw the female ghost about to go limp, lifted her up again, stared at her viciously and said:

"If you don't tell the poor monk how ugly you are today, the poor monk will let you try what you mean today!"

"I..." The female ghost kept rolling her eyes, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Immediately, his neck crooked.

"Still pretending to be dead?" Hong Yi directly threw the female ghost under the dirt bag and jumped down.

"Bang... bang... bang!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

"Brother..." Xiong Er listened to the sound of hammering punches to the flesh, accompanied by a miserable roar, couldn't help but sway his Adam's apple, and looked at Xiong Da.

Xiong Da quickly waved at him.

Walk slowly to the side and look down.

He couldn't help but turn his head and vomit.

This big guy is too ruthless, he even smashed that female ghost into meat...

Chapter 240 The poor monk's paper money is a bit big! (3 more)

Chapter 240 The poor monk's paper money is a bit big!

After hammering the deceitful Three Lives Stone Girl Ghost.

The three of Hongyi hit the road again.

Walk slowly along a sheep intestine path.

It just hasn't gone long.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Suddenly hearing the barking of dogs, Hong Yi frowned and took a few steps forward, only to hear that the barking of the dog was getting louder and louder, and his ears were buzzing.


The dog's barking was not over, and suddenly there was a burst of cock crowing.


Where is this so special?

Hongyi couldn't help but open the system panel and looked at the task.

I saw a gray place name lit up on the task panel at this time: Golden Rooster and Evil Dog Ridge!

Hong Yi understood, and he checked the data and saw it. It is said that there is indeed a vicious dog ridge in the underworld. As long as there are souls passing through this place, groups of vicious dogs will inevitably come up and bite desperately.

Weak ghosts don't need to think about reincarnation, they will die in this evil dog mountain.

Not to mention that there is a golden chicken peak behind it.


This is completely two places, why did this dog get mixed up with the chicken?

After the three walked around a big black tree, a mountain ridge appeared in front of them.

Hongyi looked at it with his eyesight.

Jinji Eugou Ridge: The site of the small underworld is limited, so Evil Dog Ridge and Jinji Peak are merged to become the fifth stop.

Hong Yi couldn't help but pursed his lips, but he didn't expect the landlord's family to be rich!

There is still such an operation, merging two places?

"Wang Wang Wang..."


Wait for the three to go around a boulder in front of them.

He was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

I saw a group of black dogs with fierce eyes, mouths full of steel teeth, and hair like steel needles, with their mouths open, and they kept roaring at the opposite side.

On the opposite side, a group of big roosters with golden brilliance and hawk-like mouths held their chests, and their eyes as big as mung bean stared at the evil dog in front of them.

"Fuck..." Xiong Er glanced at both sides and couldn't help whispering:

"It's about to fight!"

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