Hong Yi stretched out his hand to signal him to stop talking.

Because two little ghosts were walking towards him with black pliers.

"Jie Jie... Are you challenging the tongue-pulling hell?"

The kid's voice was hoarse, and although there was laughter, the strange thing was that there was no expression on his face.

"Speaking, is it a challenge to the tongue-pulling hell?"

Seeing that the two of them didn't respond, the kid couldn't help but ask again.

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi pointed at Xiong Er who stretched out his hand, and quickly said with a smile:

"The poor monk wants to try...he comes first! The poor monk will take a look...first look!"

"I..." Xiong Er looked at Hong Yi's finger pointing at him with a confused expression.

What the hell!

When will I try it!

"No... just come in and pull out the tongue hell, the automatic default challenge program!"

"You must pull 8888 times! Otherwise..."


The kid waved the black pliers in his hand and said coldly:

"But it's not as simple as pulling out your tongue..."

Hong Yi pouted, looked at the two little devils speechlessly, and spread his hands.

"So, there's no need to discuss it, right?"


"The poor monk... can only surpass you and wait..."

Having said that, Hong Yi directly grabbed the pliers from the kid's hand, pinched his nose instantly, and pulled it hard!

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The little ghost in front of him let out a shrill scream.

Hong Yi didn't wait for him to look up, and quickly shot him with a palm, directly shooting him into black smoke.

"Everyone pulls his tongue and pulls..."

Suddenly, a little ghost by the tree shouted:

"How dare you stop us from pulling out our tongues, whoever grabs this fresh tongue will belong to you!"

The little ghost shouted, and immediately attracted all the little ghosts under the tree.

All of them held pliers in their hands and ran towards Hong Yi, for fear that if they slowed down their tongues would be snatched away by others.

Chapter 243: Performing Erquan Yingyue for the Brother Poor Monk...

Chapter 243: Performing Erquan Yingyue for the Brother Poor Monk!

Hong Yi frowned and looked at the group of little devils in front of him!

I saw that the pliers, which were still normal size just now, suddenly became extremely huge, and each of them was almost catching up with the body of the kid.

With a wave of spiritual power in Hong Yi's hand, the little devil in front of him was thrown out.


I saw this little devil jumped up again, picked up the huge pliers and rushed up again.

"Big brother... big brother! Hurry up!" Xiong Er was almost scared to pee at this time.

This Nima is too scary!

Just looking at that big black pincer can't stand it.

Hong Yi stretched out his hand and pushed him aside, his whole body's spiritual power revolved, and he shot it directly with one palm.


A thunderous roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon emerged from the body, and the huge body swept all the little ghosts.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

A miserable cry kept coming.

After a while, Hong Yi silently picked up a large black pliers on the ground and walked to a ghost tied to a tree.

"Jie Jie...pull...pull it out!"

The ghost in front of him stared at the pliers, shouting excitedly.

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi sighed.

It is estimated that this ghost has been tortured for a long time, and it is a little stupid.

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