I'll never try this again!

Too scary!

What JB stuff are they playing!

"Xiong Er, don't you keep one as a souvenir?" Hong Yi pointed to the long flesh-colored tongues that kept wriggling on the ground, and said to Xiong Er with a smile:

"It's your first time after all!"

"Anyway, leave a thought!"

Xiong Er looked at the pile of tongues on the ground in horror, took a deep breath, and turned around and left.

Is it too bullying?

Lao Tzu lost his first kiss and built his happiness on the pain of others. Is this really good?

The whole tongue-pulling hell is not big, it looks like a small cave, the two of them turned around, and soon found a dark hole in the corner.

"No..." Xiong Er who was about to go down suddenly exclaimed.

"Why didn't you see the bear grow down?"

Hong Yi couldn't help but glance at him.

Amitabha, the kiss you were kissing just now was too realistic, of course I can't remember how big it was!

This will be found, where can I find it?

"I'll go back and have a look..." Xiong Er, who looked in a hurry, hurried to the door when he came in, and was ready to rush in with one leap.


I saw that there was a layer of transparent film like an enchantment at the dark door, which directly stopped Xiong Er back.

Xiong Er rubbed his dazed forehead, looked up, and saw several bloody words on the black barrier kept appearing.

"Challengers who enter the eighteenth floor of hell must not return halfway... Otherwise, they will never be reborn!"

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi reached out and patted Xiong Er's shoulder, comforting:

"Maybe there are other hells in the big challenge, let's go down and see!"

After speaking, Hong Yi took the lead to walk behind the tongue-pulling hell and stepped directly into the black hole.

The whole cave is dark, and you can't see your fingers.

After the two entered, they groped and took a few steps forward.




There was a sound of scissors rubbing from the front.

Hongyi stretched out his hand and pulled Xiong Er, and slowly touched the source of the sound.

This second layer is the scissors hell. According to the rumors of the folk underworld, this layer should be the scissors?

However, this is a small underworld after all, whether it is to cut fingers or not, I can't be sure.

After Hongyi and the two slowly approached.

I saw a dim yellow candle lit in front of the cave, and on the reflection of the candlelight, there was a strangely shaped kid holding a huge pair of scissors.

Hongyi took a few steps closer again.

Immediately, he saw the scene in front of him.

A fat Specter is placing ten fingers neatly on a stone basin.


The crisp sound of scissors rang out.

Suddenly, several fingers fell into the stone basin.


Sure enough, cutting fingers.

However, this fat ghost whose finger was cut off was the same as the ghost with its tongue pulled out on the next layer. After the finger was cut off, it grew again in the blink of an eye.

Hong Yi looked at this scene and couldn't help shaking his head.

This little hell is a waste.

With so many renewable resources, how much feed would be saved if we were to raise some meat-eating livestock?

"Cough cough..."

Before the meeting, the two ghosts cooperated with each other carefully, and they couldn't find Hong Yi coming in at all. Hong Yi couldn't help coughing.

Sure enough, the two ghosts who heard the sound turned their heads to see Hong Yi and the two of them, and immediately their eyes were bloodshot, as if the hungry wolf saw meat, and rushed over.

Hong Yi was too lazy to pay attention to these two little devils, and solved them directly with two palms.

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