It's a shame these two ghosts dare to think!

I wonder what would happen to the two people if the poor monk told two people that this underworld was a fake?

In order to carry forward the dream-chasing atmosphere of the new era, we will severely crack down on all kinds of daydreaming laws!

Hong Yi resolutely took action and directly cleaned up the various ghosts in the entire eighteenth hell.

What the heck, what age is it?

Don't have any batch numbers in mind?

The whole three-year 1024 is exaggerated enough, you guys are good, it's just a two-horse combination!

Flow batch!

After all the ghosts were saved, the three of Hongyi began to find an exit.

After the eighteen layers of hell are over, where should we go next?

Should I go to the Resurrection Cliff to reincarnate?

The problem is that this is a small underworld, it's a fake, and it's the kind of tire that you voted for.

Finally, after the three of them searched for a long time, they found a small wooden door on the far side of the knife saw hell.

"The place of reincarnation!"

The door was written in large letters in blood.

"It should be here... I'll go take a look first!" Xiong Er opened the door first, it was dark inside, and nothing could be seen, but it was the smell...

After Xiong Er entered, he pushed the door again and walked out in less than 2 seconds.

After coming out, directly take off the shoes on the feet.

Angrily said:

"What's so special, this is the name written by that fool, the place of reincarnation, Nima's toilet is the toilet, reincarnation is a JB!"

"I made me step into the pit, it stinks to death!"

Hong Yi couldn't help frowning.

I searched around and couldn't find a hole to go out. Is this the only doorway, or is it a toilet?

Is it...

Hong Yi suddenly had a bold speculation in his heart.

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi stared at the bloody words on the wooden door for a long time, and said slowly:

"You said, this place of reincarnation... Is it for us to get in from here?"

"Fuck... that's not it!" Xiong Er immediately exclaimed after hearing this.

"Boss, I went in just now, here..."

"How to drill..."

"We will definitely be killed without waiting for the past..."

Hong Yi thought about this scene, and couldn't help but shuddered.

This should be impossible. If so, the poor monk would rather directly smash the entire eighteen layers of hell.

"Well...then let's look for it..." Hong Yi pointed to the other side and said:

"You look over there, the poor monk go here and have a look, look carefully..."

"We'll gather at the MLM site just now!"


The three of them just took a few steps apart when they heard a huge roar from the entire eighteenth floor of hell.

Hong Yi couldn't help laughing, and finally there was something new.

Reaching out to recruit the two brothers, Hong Yi whispered:

"Follow the poor monk, maybe the way out is here in this beast roar!"

The three slowly walked towards the center of the knife saw hell.

After bypassing a huge stone pier, Hong Yi probed and glanced at the creature that roared just now.


What is this?


The problem is that I have never seen a zombie open its wings?Or white wings?

Why does this look a bit like the poor monk's fallen angel suit?

Chapter 246 Flying Zombies! (1 more)

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