"Who are you waiting for?"

"Dare to trespass my Daqin territory!"

"But the little underworld came to join me in Daqin?"

A ghost soldier squad leader at the forefront stretched out a halberd in his hand and scolded the three of Hongyi angrily.

Chapter 249 Ergou, is that you?Two dogs? (4 more)

Chapter 249 Ergou, is that you?Two dogs?

Hong Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the ghost captain.

Specter Liu Ergou: Before his death, he was a young man from Liu Village, Lantian County. He died in an accident while working outside a few years ago.

Fear Level: S

Fear: 300000

Features: After his death, he was savage in his career, and finally succeeded in being promoted to the patrol team leader.


This is still a ghost with a name and a surname, it seems to have a story!

Hong Yi couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Just when the atmosphere on both sides was extremely dignified.

Hong Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and swung the long sword in front of him, and a burst on the head of Captain Liu Ergou in front of him.

"Old Liu, what a bastard you are, you pretended not to know me when you saw Lao Tzu?"


The moment Hongyi's fingers touched the top of the other's head, he made a dull and loud sound.


Xiong Er couldn't help but exclaimed. Hearing the sound was so loud, it was estimated that the ghost soldier would give the boss a concussion all at once.

Li Gui Liu Ergou was instantly stunned by Hongyi's beating, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses, and suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from the top of his head.

Tightening the halberd in his hand, Liu Ergou looked at Hongyi gloomily:

"Who are you? What are you doing to beat Lao Tzu?"

Hong Yi bowed his head and smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand instantly and pointed at the top of his head again.


This time, Xiong Er couldn't help reaching out and touched the top of his head. Hearing the sound, he felt that his head was smashed!


Liu Ergou didn't expect the monk in front of him to come again, and suddenly took a breath.


Hong Yi was reluctant and knocked again.

"Several Liu Ergou, now promising, don't even know a friend from the village!"

Liu Ergou, who stood up several times in a row and knocked directly, was a little dazed at this time, feeling that stars began to appear above his head.

He closed his eyes quickly and stabilized his swaying body.

What did the monk just say?

A village?

Raising his head, his eyes stared at Hong Yi, and he said grimly, "What the hell, who are you? If you can't tell why, don't leave today!"

Is this monk in front of mother a fool?

It hurts daddy!

Just as Hong Yi raised his hand, Liu Ergou immediately lowered his head and took two steps back.


"Haha..." Hong Yi put down his hand and smiled awkwardly.

"Is your surname Liu?"


"Is your name Liu Ergou?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

"Does your family belong to Liu Village, Lantian County?"

"Fuck, that's right, you're from the village..."

Hong Yi pretended to be helpless and shook his head, his hand shot again like lightning, and he aimed at Liu Ergou's head again!


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