Chapter 251 Liu Ergou, I beat you to death, you bastard!

Hong Yi glanced at the owner of the noodle stall, smiled, reached out and slapped a large coin on the table, got up and left gracefully.


Can't use ghost power in this ghost town?

That poor monk...

But spiritual power, it should be fine!

"Stop!" Hong Yi came to the door of the restaurant, stretched out his hand and slapped a few ghosts away, pretending to be angry and shouting:

"Who dares to hurt my two dog brothers?"

"It's him... he ordered it!"

He reached out his hand and was about to pull up Liu Ergou, who was holding his head on the ground. Unexpectedly, this guy jumped up and pointed at himself and shouted:

"He ordered the food, ask him for money..."

"I'm not familiar with them, they invited me to dinner..."

"These people are new here..."

Suddenly, Hong Yi was a little confused.

Co-author of this Liu Ergou, why don't you have the money to settle the bill?Pretend you don't know the poor monk?


Hong Yi smiled and nodded.

"Hmph... Dare to eat free food in our restaurant, come here..." At this time, a fat-headed and big-eared middle-aged ghost walked out viciously, followed by a few strong nurse ghosts.

"Did they eat free food?" The middle-aged ghost pointed his finger at Hong Yi and the others, and asked a few juniors.

"The shopkeepers are just a few of them..." The little two glared at Hongyi and the others in indignation.

"Hmm..." The shopkeeper nodded and waved his palm.

"Give me a few of them and send them to the government later... Dare to eat free food with me! Humph!"

Immediately, several black-clothed nursing homes rolled up their sleeves and prepared to come up.


Before he started, the monk in front of him directly slapped the ghost soldier next to him.

"Liu Ergou, I beat you to death, you worthless thing!"

"How dare you eat free food, how can a waste like you come out of our village!"

Specter Liu Ergou was a little stunned by this slap.

How did this plot develop?

Looking up at the monk in the same village, I saw him staring at him with an expression of righteous indignation.

Liu Ergou pointed at Hong Yi decisively, and shouted at the shopkeeper of the restaurant:

"I don't know him, really, the shopkeeper's..."


Hong Yi directly kicked Liu Ergou to the ground, clenched his fist and smashed him in the face.

"Should you show your face? Although we are poor... but people in our village can never do such a thing! Today, if I beat you to death, you bastard, you don't even want your face in order to get some free food!"


It was accompanied by a scream and the sound of bones shattering.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper of the restaurant on the side couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth. With the punch just now, the bridge of his nose is probably going to be broken!

Does this mean killing?

Really beat to death!

"Everyone's laughing..." Hong Yi had a gloomy face, clenched his fists at the hotel shopkeeper and the others, and gave a slight salute.

"I didn't expect that, after not seeing him for a few years, this kid has fallen into such a state... In order to order red and white things, he doesn't even want the basic principle of being a ghost!"

Hong Yi seems to be getting more and more angry.

Bowing his head to Liu Ergou, he punched and kicked again, his fists saw blood, and his feet were fatal!

The little two next to him couldn't help shivering.

This is too cruel!

It seems that the relationship between the two should be very good, or they will not be so angry.

However, if you continue to fight this, it is estimated that you will be killed!

"Quick, stop him, and he'll kill him if he hits again..."

The fat shopkeeper and others on the side heard the words and quickly recovered.

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