
Hongyi stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the endless blue sea, and felt that the whole person was sublimated for a while!

I grew up in Qindu since I was a child. To be honest, I have never seen the sea!

It's just that I didn't expect that the first time I took a boat on the sea turned out to be this way!

"Hey... let's go!"

An uncle driving a car behind him shouted:

"Get out of the way... The plane is about to land in a while, what are you doing on the runway?"

Hong Yi glanced back and took a few steps to the side!

This boat is nice, but it's too big!

What's more, they have built an airfield!There are cars!

The feeling of taking a boat trip to the sea is gone, okay?


At this moment, Qin Lan came over with a tablet.

"How's it going? Where are these zombies?" Hong Yi asked first.

Qin Lan put the tablet flat in front of him, pointed to the dense red dots on it, and looked sad.

"Look, this red dot represents this ghost!"

"It should have set off from the waters of the island country now!"


Qin Lan didn't say anything, but Hong Yi also understood that this group of zombies turned a corner on the way!

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi looked at the route map, pointed to a piece of land and said:

"Where is this? Are these zombies going here?"

Qin Lan nodded and reached out to open the map.

"This is the country of kimchi... According to the research of experts in China, this group of zombies is estimated to want to conquer the country of kimchi first, and then enter our China!"

Hongyi pouted!

Expert research?

This also requires research, not a blind man to see it at a glance!

Poor monk Buddha!

A group of people are beeping in the back all day long. If you have the ability to carry weapons, come up and try!

"Then... we?" Hong Yi said after pondering for a moment, squinting his eyes:

"Go to Kimchi country first?"

"What about the island country?"

Qin Lan nodded, called up the screen again and said:

"The island country has already invited the witches from the Emperor's Pavilion, and they are all retreating for the time being, but..."

"It probably won't last long!"

Hong Yi looked down at the appearance of the witch of the Emperor Pavilion on the screen, and rubbed his eyes vigorously!

Is this a witch?

how to dress with...

What about Sailor Moon?

"Destroy you on behalf of the moon..."

Thinking of this picture in Hong Yi's mind, he couldn't help but smile.

you can!

This is very in line with the temperament of the island country!

A two-dimensional country should all maintain a two-dimensional state.

No problem!

This time, the All-China Spirituality Bureau has recruited many members to jointly resist the zombies that may cross the sea, and...

At the same time, some members of the sect who were born came to follow.

Hong Yi turned his head and glanced at a group of old men and ladies in the distance, and couldn't help but pouted.

Amitabha, the average age of this group is estimated to be almost 100 years old, and they are not afraid that a handful of old bones will not come back.

"These are the elders of some sects, or the heads of the sects. It is said that their identities are not ordinary, but... they are also very strong!" Qin Lan saw Hongyi squinting at a group of old people next to him, and couldn't help but say:

"Don't mess with them, you smashed the old sword fairy..."

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