
What did you just say?

eat me?Eat slowly?

Oppa is too bad, all the love words are like this...

"Hey we come!"

Hezhe stretched out his tongue and hooked his canine teeth lightly, opening his mouth wide, only to see that his mouth opened to an unbelievable level, and his gray-white tongue suddenly stretched out.

The sides of the mouth were split open, and black-brown blood kept dripping down the corners of the mouth.

"Well... Brother Hezhe... drooling!" Zhu Xiu felt the warm liquid dripping down her back, and couldn't help saying shyly.


Suddenly, I felt a low roar like a beast coming from my ear.

Zhu Xiu couldn't help closing her eyes tightly.

I heard the aunt next door say that men seem to be like beasts at this time. I didn't expect the usual gentleman Hezhe to be like this!

so afraid……

Immediately after...


A dull sound came out of her ear, and Zhuxiu felt that Brother Hezhe, who was holding her, had disappeared!


Zhu Xiu opened her eyes and looked at a monk with a bald head and a white coat, holding...

"Ah... who are you... let go of my brother Hezhe!"

What this monk mentioned in his hand turned out to be his own brother Hezhe.

Seeing that his brother Hezhe lowered his head feebly, Zhuxiu looked to the ground and saw that Brother Hezhe's mouth was bleeding.

Zhuxiu hurriedly ran over, reached out to support his head, and slowly lifted it up.

"Brother Hezhe...Brother Hezhe..."

"He... ah ah ah ah ah..."

Looking at Brother Hezhe who raised his head, Zhuxiu froze in place.

how... how...

"Amitabha...Little girl, when you fall in love, you need to know whether it's a human or a ghost!" Hong Yi pushed the girl beside him behind him, turned his head and smiled at the zombie in his opponent and said:

"This disguise technique is okay, it's not a big country of plastic surgery!"

"It's turned into a zombie? It's hard for you to be so good looking!"

"Roar..." The zombie with its drooping head suddenly raised its head and opened a big mouth at Hong Yi, and the crack at the corner of the mouth went straight to the back of the ear.

Gray tongue, black gums, how scary how scary.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

Zhuxiu, who was standing beside her, couldn't help but clasped her hands in front of her chest and screamed loudly.


Hong Yi directly punched the zombie's face and said bitterly:

"Shut up... I didn't see anything scaring the little girl!"

"Poor monk...Yo!"

Hong Yi looked at the deformed nose of the zombie, and a silver metal block sprang out. He couldn't help pinching it and pulled it out.


Hong Yi looked at a metal nose frame in his hand in disbelief, and said with a smile at the already unrecognizable zombie:

"I didn't expect it! The nose is actually fake?"

"Come on, tell the poor monk, how much does it cost for this zombie to have a nose job?"

The zombie raised its head, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at the monk in front of him.

Where did this idiot come from!

Bad old man good!

What happened to the whole nose in Kimchi country?



Hong Yi immediately gave him another punch.

"Don't stare at the poor monk..."

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