Holy crap, for you such a big turtle, do you have such a big pot?


I saw the giant tortoise in the distance raised its head again and roared, and suddenly, there were waves of waves in the sea water downstairs.

One after another black shadow rushed towards the giant tortoise.

All the fishyin sea zombies swam to the giant tortoise in unison.


The endless clouds condensed, and the various gray-white yin qi on the top of the giant kept gathering, and then the yin qi began to slowly spread.

It is already a vast city, and I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be enveloped by this gray and white yin qi.

"What shall we do?"

Lao Jianxian took out the long sword in his hand and asked in a deep voice.

"Would you like to contact the members of the Kimchi Kingdom Spiritual Team first?" Qin Lan took out his mobile phone and whispered to everyone.

"Amitabha, ask them..."

Qin Lan nodded and dialed one of the people in charge.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a loud noise from the opposite side.


"Go big, idiot!"

"Hey... what's the matter? Hurry up..." The other party's tone was rather impatient!

Qin Lan took a deep breath and said slowly:

"Hello, we are the people from the Supernatural Bureau that Huaxia came to support from the Kimchi Country. Now we are in this small town by the sea of ​​Busan... Here... it has fallen! I hope you will come to support as soon as possible..."


"Oh, oh, I know, I've fallen, right, I understand, right away... When I finish this fight, I'm going to be super god..."

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone directly.

"What did you say?" Hong Yi couldn't help asking when he saw Qin Lan's strange expression.

"Uh..." Qin Lan glanced at everyone, and then whispered:

"The other party said that he finished this fight..."

Hongyi: "..."

Amitabha!God, this one is over!

What an unreliable thing!

"Isn't there another person in charge? Give it a try..." Hong Yi reached out and took Qin Lan's phone directly.

"Forget it, how much is the poor monk calling...?"

In seconds!

The phone is on.

"Hey, yes..."

Hongyi's words were just out of his mouth, but he was rudely interrupted by Convenience.

"What's the matter? Let's watch the girl group's performance again. Is there anything wrong? There's nothing to hang up..."

"Something..." Hong Yi replied in a gloomy tone.

"Wait a minute..." Unexpectedly, the other party said something very fast, and then there was a cheering voice coming from the receiver.

"Ah, ah, ah, look at me, Asi... Goddess finally looked at me... Goddess, come on... Sarah hehe..."

"Hey hey hey...what's the matter. Hurry up...ahahahah, here...here! Love you!"

Hong Yi silently took the phone away from his ear, put it to his mouth, and took a deep breath.

"Fuck you second uncle... stupid!"

Just hang up the phone!

This kimchi country is over, you can play by yourself, the poor monk can't afford to play with you...

It's too scary, Nima has no time to play games, and is going to become a madman while watching a concert?

What kind of place is this!

"What should we do?" Seeing that Hongyi's face was even uglier than he was just now, Qin Lan couldn't help but leaned over and asked in a low voice.

Hong Yi turned his head to look at everyone, calmed down, and said solemnly:

"Everyone, poor monk... I decided to go to the island country first!"

"This kimchi country... Amitabha! Play by yourself!"

"What do you guys think?"

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