"Wait here for a while, I will catch them all immediately, and Oppa will enjoy it slowly..."


Hong Yi spit on his face directly, and kicked the old turtle down carelessly.


"Would you like to criticize your face? You're about to become fine, and Oppa?"


Suddenly, the monk in front of him was overturned to one side. Ghost Xiushan, who got up, roared, and the tentacles on his head exploded one by one.

The black ink-like ghost in his hand instantly enveloped Hongyi.

"Such a disobedient boy, hum..."

"Take apart your bones first, and Oppa will try it first..."

Seeing that the monk in front of him was completely covered by his own ghostly energy, Gui Xiushan reached out and gently stroked the tentacles on his head, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, the little monk in front of him will turn into a fresh mass of sashimi.

Thinking of this, Gui Xiushan couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Looking at the monk's spiritual power is not low, eating... tsk tsk, this meat must be delicious.


Ghost Xiushan, who was constantly fantasizing, suddenly felt that a dazzling colorful light kept shooting out of the black ghost.


A powerful hand stretched out directly from the colorful light.

Immediately he pulled himself in.

Chapter 262 People can't be seen, so are ghosts! (1 more)

Chapter 262 People can't be seen, so are ghosts!

"Come over here..."

Hongyi lay comfortably on the sun lounger, and reached out to take Gui Xiushan's sunglasses.


In such a big night, I couldn't see very clearly, and it was even more difficult to see with this thing.

Just take it off and throw it into the sea.

Stretching out and kicking the old turtle squatting beside him with his head in his hands, Hong Yi said angrily:

"It looks really unbelievable!"

"It's the same with ghosts!"

"When I first saw you in this battle, the poor monk thought... how come this should be a character who is popular and criticized!"

"I never expected it... You said that you are so big, how can you be so useless?"

Gui Xiushan slowly took a step forward cowardly, and said with a terrified expression:

"This... Oppa..."


Hong Yi sat up directly and slapped him.

"Again Oppa, the poor monk beat you up and beat you, believe it or not?"

"Yes Yes!"

Gui Xiushan covered his forehead aggrieved, crouched beside him and said in a low voice:

"This...I can send a tsunami or something...And then there are these zombies that are all raised in my body..."


See the hell!

No, you are a ghost!

It's just a dog...

Where did this Chinese monk come from?How is the strength so strong?

I also specially picked the site of Kimchi Country, Huaxia himself didn't even dare to think about it!

There was a supernatural recovery a long, long time ago, when Gui Xiushan was young, and arrogantly wanted to go to China.

The result... just after going ashore.

He came back in a hurry.

I was almost scared to death, Huaxia was so terrifying, a little kid actually gave a cramp and plucked the skin of a dragon in the sea, and... Look at the child's appearance, at most 10 years old!

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