It's been two hours since this shit, and there's no movement at all. If it really is a powerful ghost, it is estimated that the entire Kimchi country has fallen. Maybe these people are still playing games!

"Come on... Let's get on the boat quickly... No, get on the turtle quickly!" Hong Yi jumped onto the turtle's back, found a place to sit down, and shouted at everyone:

"It's okay... come up quickly!"

After a group of people are all on the back of the ghost repair mountain.

Hong Yi got up and sat near the turtle's head, reached out and patted the turtle's back, roaring in high spirits:

"Target - island country, rough hair!"

"Hey, hey... Hongyi, look!"

At this time, Qin Lan next to him pointed to the sky and said:

"There's a lamp, is someone from the Kimchi country here?"

Hongyi looked up and saw that a helicopter flew over from a distance.

Amitabha, just a helicopter?

Really big enough!

"Amitabha, don't care about them, let's go... The poor monks won't come back after this kimchi country, it's unreliable!" Hong Yi looked at the helicopter in the distance, pouted, and said to everyone:

"It is estimated that we will be there before dawn, so we will have a rest!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled Qin Lan to the side and said in a low voice:

"What's the situation in the island country now? Take out the information and see!"

Chapter 263 Don't Show Your Love (2 More)

Chapter 263 Don't Show Your Love!

Qin Lan took out the tablet from his bag, opened it, looked at the latest news, and said solemnly:

"Now the island country..."

"It is estimated that the situation is very serious. Basically, the spiritual group of the island country has been retreating, and it is not an opponent of ghosts at all."

"Ordinary people are even more... Countless casualties!"

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi let out a turbid breath and stopped speaking.

The island country was originally a high-incidence place for supernatural beings. In a small place, all kinds of ghost legends are even more powerful than Huaxia!

It's amazing not to fall!

On the way, the ghost repair mountain is very fast.

It landed near the island country before dawn.

Hong Yi, who came ashore, let everyone leave first.

After he connected Gui Xiushan to all the fish zombies in his body, he caught up.

At this time, the small town by the sea was completely shrouded in black clouds.

The whole street was covered with gray.

Hong Yi raised his hand to check the time, it was obviously already morning.

However, the strange thing here is that there is no sun.

A gust of gloomy wind kept blowing from the street.

There was no sound at all, except for the occasional white scraps of paper scraps that made noises, the whole city was like a dead city.

Under the dim yellow street lights, a pungent bloody smell kept coming from various houses.

The crowd slowly walked into the street.

All of them grabbed the weapons in their hands solemnly.

It's really weird.

"It stands to reason that this place is not occupied by ghosts, but..."

Qin Lan took out the tablet computer and whispered beside Hong Yi:

"Also, this area..."

Hong Yi took a look at the computer and saw that the real-time monitoring showed that the street was sunny at this time, and... there were many people on the street.

Amitabha, this is a bit scary!

Could it be that a ghost is controlling the surveillance on the street?

Or is it all an illusion?

"This place is even scarier than ours!" Lao Jianxian also came over at this time and whispered:

"Why don't you see the ghost group of the island country?"

"I couldn't get in touch for a long time. Now I can't use anything except satellite signals." Qin Lan took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of everyone, looking depressed.

Hong Yi nodded and let out a long breath.

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