A long silver-white hair was exposed first.

After the whole ghost comes out.

Hong Yi couldn't help but looked up and down at the long silver-haired skeleton in front of him.

To be precise, it should be a skeleton wearing a white robe, and... no feet, the bottom of the robe is empty, and there is nothing.

Like a ghost floating on the ground.

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Chapter 267 Do You Eat Fish? (1 more)

Chapter 267 Do You Eat Fish?


There was a trace of sadness on the face of the skeleton in front of him.

There were bursts of piercing weeping in his mouth.

I saw him slowly raising his head, holding a fish in both hands, and floating in front of everyone in an instant, a green ghost suddenly lit up in his empty eye sockets.

"Do you eat fish?"

"Amitabha... Donor, poor monks don't..."

Hongyi's words haven't finished yet.

I felt a few people walking out behind me.

One by one, they can't wait to reach out and grab the fish in the hands of the skeleton...

open mouth!


Hong Yi couldn't help but turn his head and closed his eyes!

It's disgusting!

He hurriedly pulled Qin Lan, who was also excited beside him, with the zygote.

This ghost seems to be able to control people's minds!


"Ouch..." Around is Hongyi's knowledge, and he really couldn't stand the scene in front of him.

I saw Lao Jianxian holding a fish head, opened his mouth and pulled, and instantly pulled out a fish eyeball and swallowed it directly.

Eating fish is nothing!

The problem is, what a rotten fish!

My head is starting to turn black!



"Aren't you going to eat?" Skeleton saw that the monk and the two women in front of him were still standing there, and they didn't step forward to fight, so he couldn't help but took out a fish from behind and handed it to him.

The green ghost in his eyes is even more prosperous.

"Eat some!"

Hong Yi covered his nose and couldn't help but take a few steps back, looking at the rotting fish corpse in his hand, he couldn't help but pursed his mouth and suppressed the churning in his stomach.

"Eat...I want to eat..."

"give me……"

The urgent voices of the two women kept coming from behind, and Hong Yi turned his head directly, knocking the two women unconscious in an instant.

special.what to eat!

Can't you see if you can eat it?Just eat!

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi smiled at the skeleton in front of him and said:

"The poor monk is a monk, and he doesn't eat meat... Hurry up and put it away..."



I can't stand it anymore, the smell of this dead fish is so pungent!

"If you don't eat, then jump down and catch fish for me..." At this time, seeing the monk in front of him actually refused, there was a trace of unhappiness on the skull's face, and he said in a calm tone.

"Catch fish?"

Hong Yi raised his hand and slapped the dead fish in his hand, and dragged the skeleton's robe directly to the well!

"Eat, eat... eat your sister!"

"Are there any accomplices, hurry up and truthfully recruit them!"

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