
The golden statues on both sides of the hall suddenly opened their eyes.


The golden body slowly walked out of the wall and stood quietly in front of everyone.

"Haha, go to the God of War statue!"

The mummy roared and pointed at Hong Yi and others.

"Hongyi, be careful with your hands, it's all gold, if it's broken, it won't be good!"

It's just that the group of people in front of the Chinese people showed no signs of panic!

This made the mummy unbelievable. This is the most powerful existence in the entire pyramid. The statue of the God of War, which is invulnerable to guns, is still afraid of breaking it?

Can this be tolerated?

Hong Yi looked up at the huge golden statue in front of him, and glanced at the mummy with disdain.

Instant operation changes.

The whole body began to skyrocket, and it was as big as the statue of the God of War when standing.

The colorful spiritual power in his hand came out through his body, wrapping a statue of the God of War in front of him.

"Amitabha Buddha said that real gold is not afraid of fire, but today the poor monk..."

Under the burning of the colorful spiritual power, a layer of gold on the surface of the Sphinx turned into a liquid and slowly flowed down, and the inside was not pure gold.

"It's actually fake?"

Seeing the white metal appearing inside, Hong Yi decided not to keep his hand, and slapped the palm of his hand, directly smashing the statue in front of him, but... the white metal turned out to be a rock at the innermost, which has now turned into pieces of gravel scattered on the ground.

After smashing all the two fake and inferior products, the body shape gradually shrank and soon became the size of a normal person.

Step by step to the mummy.


One kick knocked him to the ground.

"Amitabha, isn't this throne also fake?"

Hong Yi sat on the throne, staring at the mummy under his feet playfully.


The mummy hurriedly stretched out her hand to explain.

"It's all a misunderstanding... Misunderstanding! We were deceived by that idiot of the Ghost Eater Emperor. If we had known that your country's spiritual bureau had such strength as you, how dare we come here from Egypt! Give the bear heart and leopard courage. Dare not!"

"Yes... I don't believe you can ask them, they contacted us first!"

As he said that, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the few people who stood together from the Lord of the Underworld.


"You mean you're still a victim?"

Hong Yi glanced sideways at the Underworld Lord, smiled at the mummy and said:

"Why can't the poor monk see it?"

"Bang bang bang..."

The mummy didn't care whether the action was right or not, she knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to the monk in front of her.

"It's not that we started the incident first, it's them..."

"They said that as long as they occupied the northeastern border here...!"

"We, this is not far away from the desert..."


Hong Yi glanced at him sideways, and said lightly:

"Edit, then edit? What are you going to say when you come down? Get out of the desert and aspire to the Central Plains? Then what? The Forbidden City?"

"Amitabha, the poor monk likes you like you, and you don't even blink your eyes when you lie!"

"Ha ha……"

With one hand, he directly lifted the mummy in front of him.


A palm was slapped on his forehead, and the head wrapped in white cloth was like a watermelon, which was directly smashed by Hong Yi.


He casually threw the mummy's corpse on the ground, turned his head to look at the corpse wax man standing beside him, and grinned:

"Is the fire out?"

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