Wang Daochang took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed it for a long time, and said with a sad face:

"How is this positioning determined? The old man doesn't seem to be able to use this mobile phone!"

"Okay, don't settle, your stuff is almost an antique! We're in the outskirts of Fengdu now! Damn it... This kind of scumbag is here!"

Gu Heng glanced at the old phone in Wang Laodao's hand, looked down at Qin Lan's mobile phone interface, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Where are all Feng?"

Xiao Ran didn't know why, so she asked.

"Uh!" Qin Lan stared at the black city wall and said solemnly:

"Feng is the first ghost monster that erupted in the whole of China. After such a long time... the strength of the ghost inside is probably already..."

"Old Dao also thinks that once Lao Dao went there once, it was already a near-death at that time, and now I'm afraid..."

"Let's hurry up and catch up with Hongyi!"

Finally, Gu Heng said:

"Don't wait for this monk to enter the city by himself, then we will be in danger!"

After everyone heard it, they nodded in horror, and hurriedly chased after Hong Yi's disappearance.

At this moment, Hong Yi sat quietly on the back of the ghost lion and slowly came to the gate of this city step by step.

There are 4 big characters written on it!

"Fengdu Ghost Town"

'Amitabha, actually came here! '

Hong Yi looked a little surprised at the name above his head, but he didn't expect this city to be a legendary ghost town.

At this time, the gate of the city was wide open.

There are all stone pavements on the street, and there is no one quiet at this time.


Qin Lan's shout came from behind, and Hong Yi looked back, only to see a few people from the Lingyi Bureau following him.

Nodding at them, Hong Yi stepped down from the ghost lion and put it into the ghost storage space behind him.

"Come in and have a look!"

"Wang Daochang, you have been here before, how come there is no ghost?"

Hongyi stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Laodao over.

"Well, the time hasn't come yet, and the ghost town of Fengdu doesn't start until 12 o'clock! It's already 11 o'clock now, so it's almost time!"

Wang Laodao glanced at the street and said slowly.


Hong Yi nodded.

Turn around and walk into the ghost town.

There is a strong smell of decay in the whole ghost town.

And... in front of the two neat rows of wooden houses, white lanterns were all hanging. In the dark night, the white lanterns swayed with the breeze, which looked very scary.

"Why is everyone dying?"

Xiao Ran hid in the middle of the crowd, looked at the two rows of houses in horror, and couldn't help but ask.

"Hehe, all the people in this city are dead, they are all dead!"

Wang Daochang stood behind her and said in a gloomy tone.

"Yeah, Daoist, you're going to scare people to death!"


At this time, Gu Heng reached out to everyone.

Quietly pointed to the front.

"A ghost is coming, let's let it go!"

Hongyi pulled everyone to the side silently.

A group of people in pure black clothes appeared in front of them, and everyone wore a white mourning scarf on their heads.

However, the four men in black walking at the forefront were holding a large black coffin with the pale and pale Chinese character "Lien" on it.

Everyone walked on the bluestone road without making a single sound.


Stop the coffin in front of Hong Yi and others.

The man in black neatly knelt on the ground, and after kowtow, got up expressionlessly, and quickly turned away.

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