Not getting married?Why is it a funeral again?

However, no matter how Hong Yi asked, the matchmaker stopped talking, just an expression that you'll understand after a while.

Is it really a ghost marriage?

Hongyi An Nai kept his curiosity in his heart and looked sideways at the bride in the sedan chair.

This bride is probably not so simple!

When ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, their first reaction will definitely not be so calm, this bride is a bit too calm.

Except when he opened the coffin just now and saw Hong Yi and others, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

When I met these ghost sedan chairs and the like, I seemed to have known it before, and didn't show a flustered expression at all.

For now, sitting in the sedan chair, this bride was quiet and silent.

This is very intriguing.

"Yo... it's here!"

At this time, the matchmaker stood in front of the sedan chair, waved at the four little ghosts carrying the sedan chair, and said with a smile:

"Slow down when you get off the sedan chair, you're there!"


The sedan chair slowly fell.

Without waiting for anyone to come out, the bride in the sedan chair opened the curtain and walked out.

I saw her look sideways at Hong Yi and smiled at him.

Hong Yi was stunned for a moment.

There was a hint of bitterness and helplessness in the bride's smile, and...

She actually lip-synced to Hong Yi.

"Come on!"

Chapter 325 The bride marries, the groom is not a man! (1 more…

Hong Yi looked closely at the bride who was pulled into the gate by the matchmaker, and followed quietly.

After entering the door.

What was placed in the yard was not wedding supplies.

Rather, rows and rows of funeral supplies.

Wreaths, paper houses...

There is a brazier in the front position, and you can vaguely see the khaki coins burning inside.

The matchmaker pulls the bride to the brazier.

Waving the handkerchief in his hand, he smiled and said:

"Bride, cross the brazier..."

"After crossing the past, the yin and yang will be separated from now on... I will no longer miss the things in the world!"


The bride nodded and looked back blankly at Hong Yi and the others behind her.

Seeing that they didn't leave, I couldn't help sighing.

His fingers gently pulled up the skirt and stepped over the brazier.

At this time, Hong Yi, who was standing behind the bride, could see.

Just as the bride stepped over, a green smoke rose from the brazier, slowly seeping in along the bride's calf.

However, the bride seemed to be unaware.

"Amitabha, this is a bit weird, be careful!"

Hongyi lowered his head and whispered to the few people behind him:

"Let's go in for a while, everyone, don't separate!"

After finishing speaking, Dia walked to the brazier, took out a few coins from the backpack behind him and stuffed it into the brazier.


The flames instantly grew.

"Jie Jie..."

A man's savage laughter came out of the flames.

"Several distinguished guests, come in!"

At this time, the matchmaker standing at the entrance of the lobby looked at the few people in front of her with a smile and beckoned.

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