"The poor monk wants a box, do you have one?"

Saying this, she took out a stack of coins from her back and stuffed it into her hand.

The old bustard looked down at the thick stack of coins in his hand, and his face instantly burst into a smile.

"Yes... yes! Come, some of you come with me!"

With that said, he turned his head and walked inside.

After a few minutes.

Hong Yi and others sat in a box on the second floor.

3 girls have been arranged to be next door.

The entire box consisted of Hongyi, Wang Daochang, and Gu Heng.


The door behind him was pushed open.

Just now, the old bustard walked in with a group of female ghosts in heavy makeup.

Standing straight in a row in front of the three of Hongyi.

The three of them kept blinking their eyes.

"Father, how is it?"

"This is the good girl upstairs in our Spring Breeze!"

"Do you like it? Pick one!"

Hong Yi glanced at everyone, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

He took out a stack of coins from his bag again and slapped it on the table.

"Call your head over here!"

Said this pointing to Gu Heng beside him and said:

"This is our Lord Gu, there is no shortage of money! It's good to serve, these are all for you!"

"Hehe, okay!"

The old man gave Gu Heng a wink, twisted his waist and walked out the door.

Not long after, he walked in with a delicate and beautiful girl.

The moment he walked in, Hong Yi could feel that the waists of the two old men beside him were instantly straight.

"At this time, our Spring Breeze Building..."

The old man didn't finish his words.


The door was violently kicked open, and a young man walked in.

[Author's digression]: My God... I was wrong... I forgot to post a chapter this morning... I'm sorry everyone!

Chapter 328 Bring a Root Huazi to Zeng Dajie Liuzi! (1 more…

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Wearing a gorgeous robe with gold edging, this oily and pink-faced young man walked in slowly from the door.

He glanced around the house.

"Mama Gui"

"What, I don't know you when you come here, young master?"

"Hehe, how dare you! Master Zeng!"

Mrs. Gui's mother smiled awkwardly at Hong Yi and the others, her face changed, she turned her head and said with a smile:

"Come here, Master Zeng sit in the private room next door, and bring the girl over immediately!"


Who knew that Young Master Zeng, who was in front of him, slapped Mama Gui in the face and said playfully:

"My young master said it, today I came to find Miss Ying, why? Bringing Miss Ying to this place? Are you looking down on me, Master Zeng?"

"Come on!"

Immediately, several doglegs in gray-blue clothes jumped in from the door.

Zeng Shao looked at the three of Hongyi and smiled coldly.

"Throw the three of them to this young master, and this young master will play with Miss Sakura in this box today!"

"Look, sir!"

Several doglegs came to the table with their sleeves rolled up.


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