
"Why are you looking at the poor monk like this?"

Hong Yi saw that everyone was looking at him strangely, reached out and touched the bald head, and couldn't help asking.

"Tsk tsk!"

Xiao Ran circled around him and said jokingly:

"You must have thought of nothing good, laughing wretly!"


"Amitabha, the poor monk has broken the precepts again! Buddha forgive me!"

"The poor monk is..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone was staring at him silently.

Silently pouted.

"Think about it again, the snot of whoever was crying just now flowed into his mouth!"


Xiao Ran exclaimed suddenly, stretched out her hand and grabbed Hongyi's cassock, and said with a gloomy face:

"Don't tell me, or I'll never finish with you!"

"Ha ha!"

Hong Yi sneered, turned his head and walked forward.

Fight with the poor monk, little girl, you are still a little tender.


Hongyi followed the route suggested by the system and soon came to a huge palace.

A group of ghosts in guard uniforms stood at the door neatly.


Hongyi instantly jumped to the front of a group of ghost guards, slapped it with a palm, and the colorful Buddha lanterns slowly rose above his head.


"Dare to trespass into the Underworld Emperor's Mansion!"


A group of ghost guards pulled out their long knives, and a strong ghostly aura enveloped the entire hall.


Hong Yi snorted coldly.

The Buddha lamp above the head instantly emits a dazzling light.

For a time, the Buddha's light shone brightly, and all the ghost guards in front of him were dumbfounded.




A long knife fell to the ground.

Xiao Ran stared at all the ghosts in front of her in surprise. Just now, they still looked fierce. At this time, under the light of the monk's colorful spiritual power, they all sat cross-legged on the ground.

The most bizarre thing is that each Li Gui has a serene expression on his face, and all of them put their hands together.

I saw that their figures became slowly transparent and slowly dissipated.


Xiao Ran couldn't help but utter foul language.

I didn't expect this monk to be so strong, what kind of skill is this?

The Buddha's light alone will save all the ghosts!

Could it be that Buddhism has become so strong now?


Hong Yi slammed the door of the hall open with a palm and jumped in.


In the palm of his hand, a group of colorful rays of light rose.

Those who didn't come saw the situation in the hall clearly, and heard a burst of air in his ears.


Quickly stepped on the magic foot, and instantly moved.

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