Qin Lan looked at her, smiled and said:

"You'll get used to it slowly, Hongyi, it's like this. After a while, you can prepare a tissue in advance, or turn your head, don't look at it!"


At this time, Wang Daochang stood up excitedly, and before he walked to Hong Yi's side, he said in a low voice:

"Old Dao... Can Lao Dao help?"

Hong Yi glanced at him and nodded silently!


It seems that Wang Daochang has made great progress recently, and he even dared to take the initiative to help!

However, Concubine Zhen, who was resisted by Hong Yi on her shoulders, saw that the old man in front of her even ran over, and began to struggle desperately!

God of the Underworld!

Concubine Zhen is over!

Even if this monk is alone, he even has to pull an old Taoist!

Everyone looked at Hong Yi carrying the woman in palace costume, followed by Wang Daochang behind him, and the two of them walked towards the side hall.

Xiao Ran thought it would take a long time for the monk to come out, but he didn't expect that the monk came out after only a few minutes.

"Amitabha, come here to help! Wang Laodao can't do it!"

"I'm a motherfucker!"

Xiao Ran watched everyone stand up and followed suit.

This Wang Daochang can't do it anymore!

What the hell?It's amazing!

Will the picture inside look bad?

Will there be that?

At this time, when Xiao Ran walked to the door, all kinds of unimaginable pictures kept appearing in her mind.

There was a trace of resistance in her heart, but she was also a little curious.

"Just take a look, just take a look!"

She, who had never seen such a scene, kept cheering herself up.

Haven't entered the door yet.




The few people who had just entered ran out with their mouths covered!

Lying on the main hall, he began to vomit wildly.

"Fuck, such a heavy mouth!"

Xiao Ran couldn't help frowning tightly.

Why don't you go in and take a look!

These people all vomited, it seems that the picture inside is very unbearable!

"Quick, come in and help Wang Daochang up!"

Just when she was still thinking about it, a pair of big hands suddenly dragged herself in.

After coming in!

Xiao Ran's face instantly turned pale.

Wang Daochang fell into a pile of blood on the ground at this time, and kept foaming at the mouth.

And that lady in palace dress!


What about the woman in the palace dress?

After coming in, I didn't find the existence of a woman in palace dress!


At this moment, a piece of flesh and blood fell from above her head in front of her.

Xiao Ran, who didn't know why, looked up.


With just one glance, he covered his mouth and vomited wildly.

On the top of his head was hanging... a bloody figure.

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