Soon, it was time for get off work again.

Hongyi had just left the door of the Spirituality Bureau when Xiao Ran's cry came from behind.

"Hongyi, work overtime today!"

What the hell!

What a poor monk, what kind of class should a person who watches the water dispenser join?

However, when I looked back, I saw that Xiao Ran was actually leading a few fully-armed members of the Supernatural Bureau.

"Go to Xiaoguo Village to hunt ghosts tonight! You follow along too!"

Xiao Ran walked past Hong Yi and said without looking back.

"Amitabha, if you catch ghosts, you will catch ghosts, what are you criticizing!"

Hong Yi muttered angrily.

Turned into the supernatural car.

"Someone from Xiaoguo Village came to report recently. Several dead people in their village have died one after another! And all of them are terrifyingly dead. According to the corpse test, these dead people have been sucked out of yang energy. According to preliminary estimates, there should be a female ghost in Xiaoguo Village."

Hong Yi sat at the back, and after listening to Xiao Ran's story, he pouted.

A little female ghost, what are so many people doing?

"Moreover...According to the reactions of other villages, the villagers of this Xiaoguo Village have been acting very strangely recently. There is not a single family who has moved out of the village's dead people one after another!"


That's kind of interesting!

Hong Yi nodded.

If there is a ghost in an ordinary village, usually everyone would like to move out overnight, but none of the villagers in this Xiaoguo Village moved out!

Is it being controlled by ghosts?

Hong Yi kept thinking in his heart.


After a journey of more than 2 hours, everyone finally came to the entrance of this Xiaoguo Village.

After Hong Yi got out of the car, with just one glance, he could see that there must be more than one female ghost in this village!

Under the vision, the ghostly aura over the village is almost catching up with the dark clouds, right?

A little thunder might be raining!

"The old man has been waiting for you here for a long time!"

At this time, under an old locust tree at the entrance of the village, a white-haired old man with crutches slowly stood up.

Chapter 338 Old...Rat! (2 more)

Everyone followed the voice and looked over, only to see under the old locust tree, a white-haired old man wearing a pure black robe, with a hunched figure, slowly beckoning to them.


The old man's voice was hoarse.

Hong Yi stared at the white-haired old man a few times, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This old man seems to have a problem!

At this time, Xiao Ran and others had slowly walked to the white-haired old man.

"Old man, are you from this Xiaoguo Village?"

Xiao Ran stretched out her hand to support him.

However, the moment he got up, his whole body was shaken.

This old man's hands are very icy. Although the temperature in the northeast is not high now, the touch of the old man's hands is not that cold, but rather cold like a corpse.

"Hehe, this old man is the village chief of this Xiaoguo Village, are you from the Spirituality Bureau?"

The old man helped Xiao Ran to stand up slowly, and said with a smile:

"A group of people like you came a few days ago, and they were received by the old man. You must have come to our village to hunt ghosts today, right?"

"Recently! The village is getting less and less peaceful..."

"Wang Mazi died on the kang head again this morning! What a sin!"


The old man kept sighing.

Hong Yi stood aside and stared at the old man for a long time.

Then he said slowly:

"Amitabha, old man, why don't you leave?"

"Oh, it's not that we don't go, it's that we can't go!"

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