And Hong Yi glanced at it, this woman is indeed a ghost!

The strange thing is that the man has been dead for a long time!

Chapter 339 The ghost! (3 more)

"Jie Jie..."

The female ghost who heard the voice raised her head, and a terrifying face stared at Hong Yi quietly.

The eyes turned out to be pitch black and empty!

The scars on his face kept oozing dark brown blood.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

He stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers at the monk in front of him.


A purple light flashed in his eyes.

"it is good……"



Behind him came the voices of a group of supernatural men.

Unexpectedly, the female ghost in front of her could control people's minds.

I saw that Xiao Li, who was in the supernatural bureau, had already started to undress!


Hong Yi snorted coldly.


Running the lion power roared.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned and immediately woke up.


"This female ghost is so powerful!"

"Xiao Li, you can do it, you even took off your pants!"

"The benefactor..."

Hong Yi slowly came to the female ghost, the man under him stared wide-eyed and his mouth was wide open, the dead can't die any longer!

"Stop laughing, put on your clothes!"

"Giggle... Come and play! Don't you like to play?"

It's just that the female ghost in front of her seemed to have a problem with her brain, and she ignored Hong Yi at all, just kept smiling.

Hong Yi stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her.


Still no response.

"Ah...don't come, don't come!"

The female ghost seemed to have seen something terrifying at this time. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest and shrank directly in the corner, her whole body trembling!

"Ding, please find the ghost lurking in Xiaoguo Village!"

"Task reward: Shisui Dan*1 (transferable)"

The system has released the task again!

Moreover, the ghost lurking in Xiaoguo Village?

A ghost?

I've heard the name Hongyi before!

Play for the tiger!

That's where it came from.

Could it be that there are tiger demons in this Xiaoguo Village?


Hong Yi bowed slightly to the female ghost who was shivering in the corner, gave a salute, and shot out the spiritual power in his hand, sending her away!


Turning back and saying something to everyone, looking at the man who died on the kang, Hong Yi left the room with a pale face.

"Isn't this female ghost already overrun?"

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