A dark-skinned, curly-haired man suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.

A man in the same dress next to him also opened his eyes. The two looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"what are you doing?"

At this time, a woman with heavy makeup next to him glanced at him with a frown, and couldn't help but ask.

The Middle Eastern man actually began to slowly untie the belt.

How did this make her suffer!


The Middle Eastern man squinted at her, covering her mouth with one hand, pulling her hair with the other, and holding her tightly in his arms.

The woman wanted to scream, but the man in front of her said in fluent English in her ear:

"Don't make a sound, or I'll kill you!"

I saw the man untie the belt, revealing a pistol.

The woman's eyes widened immediately.


Did you meet a terrorist?

What the hell!

"Ha ha!"

The Middle Eastern man seemed to enjoy the woman's frightened eyes and grinned.

He reached out and touched her smooth cheek lightly.

Really watery!

If it weren't for the great God, I would definitely enjoy this woman today!

"Ding dong!"

Pressing the plane reminder button, the Middle Eastern man calmly took the woman into his arms, waiting for the flight attendant to arrive.

The flight attendants on this flight were all tall, white women from the United States.

Soon, the flight attendant came over.

"Hello, sir, what can I do for you?"

The flight attendant in a light blue ol outfit looks very attractive.

The Middle Eastern man looked up and down and said with a smile:

"I think... ah!"

Suddenly, the woman in her arms bit her.

"Ma'am, may I ask..."

The flight attendant was a little puzzled.

"He's got a gun, he's got a gun! Help... Help!"

After the flight attendant heard this, her face changed greatly.


At this moment, there was a gunshot behind him.

"Don't move, just sit in your seat, or else!"

A man roughly pushed the person next to him away and walked out with a folding submachine gun.

"Da da da da!"

Several shots were fired into the front hatch.

The submachine gun man looked at all the passengers in the economy class and nodded with satisfaction.


The man spoke a bunch of languages ​​of unknown country to the man next to the stewardess.

Immediately, the Middle Eastern man took out his pistol and slowly stood up from his seat.

"Hello everyone! We are the people of the great God!"

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people!"

"If you cooperate, we won't hurt everyone!"

As he spoke, he pouted at the person next to him, pointed to the head in front of him, and said:

"Go control the people in first class, and then..."

As he spoke, he lifted the stewardess in front of him.

"Take her and trick the cockpit away!"

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