"The plane landed safely, not happy!"

The Middle Eastern man looked at the monk in front of him as if he was mentally ill.

This Nima is insane. Are all the people in China so sloppy?

Does it work without a pilot?

"Are you that mysterious organization in Huaxia?"

The Middle Eastern man suddenly said.

"Mysterious organization?"

Hong Yi was stunned.

In addition to the supernatural bureau, what other mysterious organizations are there in Huaxia?

"Not bad... the poor monk is indeed..."

Not finished.

With such an expression as expected, the Middle Eastern man pursed his lips and nodded.

"As expected of a mysterious takeaway, as expected..."

"I thought the video was fake, but I didn't expect it to be real, and the plane would fly!"

Hongyi: "..."

What the hell?


This terrorist is probably making Douyin lame.


Opening the door of the plane, Hong Yi dragged the Middle Eastern man out of the plane slowly.

"Don't move!"

"Put your hands up!"

"Put the gun down!"

A group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms outside the plane aimed their guns at the three of Hongyi.

"What a hassle!"

Hong Yi waved his hand directly, and the spiritual energy in his body swept everyone.


He rolled all the guns in everyone's hands into a ball, threw them aside casually, and walked down with the middle-eastern man beside him.

At this moment, all the people in the airport security bureau looked at the submachine gun that was crumpled into a lump in surprise.

Looking at the oriental monk with a warm smile on his face, they all stood there in horror.

Unexpectedly, this monk turned out to be a supernatural being.

In the United States, people with supernatural abilities are not subject to legal constraints. Once ordinary people encounter them, they must immediately report to the United States Supernatural Bureau.

"Mysterious Eastern Powerhouse, hello!"

The head of the security bureau respectfully extended his hand to Chong Hongyi.


After Hong Yi shook hands with him, he shoved the man next to him.

"This is the terrorist on the plane, and another was accidentally killed by a poor monk!"

"The poor monk has something to do, this is the poor monk's supernatural certificate!"

Having said that, Hong Yi flashed his credentials in front of him.

Sure enough, after knowing that Hong Yi was actually a member of the Spirituality Bureau, the person in charge was even more respectful.

"I don't know where you are going? We have a special car to take you there!"

The person in charge said cautiously.

Hong Yi looked back at Anna.

"Let's go to kks insurance company!"

Although I don't know where it is, the person in charge quickly agreed.


Hongyi nodded to Anna.

"Then trouble you!"

"The poor monk is in a hurry, I don't know if I can leave now!"

"Come on!"

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