Each eyeball made a popping sound, and then countless blisters began to float in the bedroom.


A blister stuck to Margaery's clothes burst, and then countless blisters began to flow towards her.

Margaery felt her pajamas have become sticky.

But...the stickiness goes away quickly.


The next second, the clothes on his body kept making boiling sounds.


An eyeball the size of a baseball appeared on her chest, and a blood-stained tendon dragged along her tail.

Just staring at her from the bottom up.

Then, Margaery felt that her clothes were starting to get heavier.

Head down and drive away, the scalp is instantly numb!

At this time, the clothes were covered with eyeballs the size of baseballs.


Margery roared miserably.

Her hands kept slapping on her body, and her eyeballs were smashed and burst... Then, dense blisters began to dance in the room again.


The blisters touched Margery's skin and turned into a clear pool of water.

Margery looked at the water stains that disappeared on her skin in horror, and jumped off the bed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

She kept waving her hands, she was going out from the door!

It's just that the bedroom door has been sealed with dense eyeballs.

Countless eyeballs were smashed underfoot.

Margery folded her head in her hands and sat down slowly against the bedroom door, without a trace of expression on her face.

The countless blisters in front of him began to boil, and once again transformed into terrifying and terrifying eyeballs.

They all stared at Margery in a weird way!

Chapter 348 The poor monk didn't do it on purpose! (3 more)

"Bi Bo... Bi Bo... Bi Bo!"

Downstairs in the bachelor apartment, a car with red and blue lights came to a stop.

The bald middle-aged landlord with a big belly hurried over.

"God, you are here, come and see!"

"There's been a foul smell in this room for days!"

Two men in blue uniforms descended, who were the administrators of the precinct.

Soon, the two followed the landlord upstairs.

Breaking into other people's rooms privately in the United States is a very serious crime. Even if the owner of the house shoots you on the spot, he will not bear legal responsibility.

The landlord then found someone from the local security bureau.

As soon as they reached the door, the two security guards looked at each other.

They smelled a rotting corpse.


The two quickly took out their guns and walked cautiously to the door.

He whispered to the landlord:

"Slow down when opening the door!"

When the landlord saw this situation, his legs began to tremble.

Soon the door will open!


The security guard kicked the door open.

The things in the living room are neatly arranged and quiet, with no signs of being flipped.

The two looked at each other strangely.

They stared sternly at the bedroom.

The smell is coming from the bedroom.

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