
When Hongyi closed the door, several foundation members at the door reacted and started to vomit wildly while leaning against the corner.


"You... do you have any procedures?"

Hong Yi pulled Anna aside and whispered:

"Do you want to take all these eyeballs back?"

Anna nodded solemnly.

He stretched out his hand and waved at the person behind him, and suddenly several Foundation members in protective suits came over.

Reaching out his hand and gently pushing the door open, he walked in cautiously.

Hong Yi resisted the churning in his stomach and walked in as well.

Eyeballs moved with them, turning their heads constantly, always keeping their eyes on them.

The Foundation member in front of him began to take pictures, record, and took out the containment equipment to start containment.

After Hong Yi stayed for a long time, he found that these eyeballs did not have any special ability other than staring at you and giving you a strong inner pressure.

He reached out and gently picked one from the wall.

I saw that there was even a tendon attached to this eyeball.


"Can you understand what people say?"

Hong Yi tried to communicate, but the eyeball in front of him didn't react at all, just stared at him, motionless!

Hong Yi rubbed it in his hand.


I didn't expect it to be so weak, and it exploded directly.


Thinking that blood would burst out, Hong Yi called out.

However, I didn't expect that after the eyeballs burst, they turned into transparent bubbles and began to dance in the air.

"That's pretty interesting!"

"Amitabha! Can't you just smash all of these?"

Hongyi pointed to the transparent bubble and said:

"Anyway, there are so many, why don't you bring them all back, just step on them all, and they'll be gone when you see it becomes a bubble!"

Anna stared at him, frowning.

She always felt that it was not so simple!


Hong Yi took out a big awl from his bag and kept tying his eyeballs.

The crackling sound continued for a while.

And the whole room has become blurred at this time, and dense foam floats in the sky!


At this time...

There was a sound of boiling water.

Hong Yi looked down and saw that a transparent bubble under his feet began to expand, followed by a blood-red tendon!


At one end of the tendon, an eyeball the size of a baseball bulged out.

"Fuck you, Nima!"

Hong Yi was suddenly shocked, stepped on the eyeballs in front of him with one foot, and hurriedly shouted:

"Come on, this bubble is an eyeball! This... this poor monk just burst hundreds of them!"




At this time, the boiling sound kept ringing, and thousands of eyeballs appeared out of thin air, turning their directions one after another, staring at everyone so quietly.

After everyone exited the door.

Hong Yi touched his bald head and said a little embarrassedly:

"What! The poor monk doesn't know that this one eyeball can turn into so many!"

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