"Then, Dr. Birdbeak said we were sick and wanted to see a doctor!"

"Uuuu...he cut Angela with a knife!"


Hearing this, Hongyi seems to understand!

I'm afraid this is a ghost or something, but this ghost is perverted enough, was it a doctor before his death?

However, after seeing people sick, they can turn people into zombies, which is... a little weird!

Soon Hongyi led the two little loli downstairs.

After explaining it to Master Chen, he left the single-family villa.

"She has a name, don't you have a name? The poor monk doesn't seem to know your name after so long?"

Suddenly, Hong Yi seemed to remember something, and pulled the little loli licking over.


When the little loli heard this, she tilted her head for a while, then shook her head.

"It's been so long, I seem to have forgotten!"


Hong Yi looked at her speechlessly, she was such a heartless little girl, she could forget her name!

"Well, the poor monk will give you a name!"

"You will be called Hongdae from now on! How's it going?"

After listening to the little loli, she was stunned and shook her head like a rattle.

Hong Yi ignored her directly.

Hongdao sounds great!

Simple and easy to remember!


Late at night, an empty and abandoned factory in the suburbs.

Two large, stout white men with tattoos sat next to each other, with bottles of beer in front of them.

"Come on, big brother, have a drink!"

"Come on, bang!"

The two kept toasting each other, raised their necks and drank.

"Who's here to deliver this time?"

A big man casually left the beer bottle on the ground and said.

"Hehe, it must be that boy Thunderbolt!"

"Every time this large and medium order must be sent by him!"

The big man smiled and nodded.

They are engaged in the business of losing their heads. Although the world has become a little chaotic now, the government has never let up on this kind of thing.

But... the quick money is also this business.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, the knock on the door rang throughout the factory.

The two looked at each other, put down the beer bottles in their hands, pulled out their pistols from behind, and walked cautiously towards the factory door.


As they approached the factory gate, a big man asked in a low voice.


There was no response from the door.



The two loaded their pistols one after another, their expressions instantly solemn.


He called out softly again, but there was still no response from outside the door.

"Who is it?"

The voice just fell!


The two-meter-high iron gate was knocked down directly from the outside, smashing the two of them underneath.

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