Then a temperamental beauty with big round glasses, tight sportswear, and a small video camera got out of the car.

"This is my best friend Luo Ying, but the famous UP master at station B! She's still a cute girl!" Han Xiaomei introduced, pointing to the beauty with glasses.

"Hello..." Hong Yi raised his palm with one hand and nodded slightly.


A warm embrace instantly drowned himself...


What is so soft?

Is this Luo Ying hiding a balloon with water on her chest?Or two?

"Ah... I finally saw little brother Hongyi! It's thanks to you that I became popular! I'll give you one! Mu..."

Hong Yi finally pushed Luo Ying away from him.

Ha ha!

Master is right!

Women are really scary.

Forget it, Han Xiaomei, I didn't expect this to be so terrifying!

Sure enough, women are big hooves!

Chapter 5 Night Climbing to Yin Village

"Save... life! Goo... cluck..."

Suddenly, a hoarse and harsh voice came from under the old locust tree.


The two women immediately jumped behind Hong Yi in unison, and looked in horror at the black shadow that kept swinging under the tree. The sound came from the shadow.

Hong Yi turned his head to signal the two women not to panic, and walked quickly to the locust tree.

He took out a black stick-shaped object from his backpack, stretched out his hand a little, and suddenly it emitted a dazzling light.

Hong Yi took an energy-saving flashlight and shone under the tree, and saw an old woman standing on a stone table under the tree, her hair hanging from a tree branch, shaking back and forth.

"Oh...Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid this old bone would have to explain it!" The rescued old woman sat on the stone bench and kept sighing: "Everyone in the village has run away, Those who didn't run are also dead, thanks to you guys."

"Amitabha! Are there ghosts in the village?"

There was a strange smile on the corner of the old woman's mouth. The wrinkles and ravines were like dry bark. Under the illumination of the flashlight in the dark night, the hoarse and low voice sounded slowly.

"Yeah! The village..."

The story has just begun.

"Grandma, don't use the flashlight to look up from the chin, there is no atmosphere at all!" Luo Ying reached out and grabbed the flashlight, quietly leaned on Hong Yi, took out a handful of melon seeds from the bag, and the three of them grabbed a little bit, Get ready to hear the story around the old lady.

"Uh... I'm not here to add to the atmosphere!"

"Speaking of which, three years ago, one day in the middle of the night... The king of the village head, the dog left, suddenly heard a knock on the door, and no one answered when he asked who it was. When the door was opened, four dark men were carrying A coffin."

"When everyone finds out the next day..."

Having said this, the old woman stopped.

"What's wrong with Wang Gouzu?" Han Xiaomei grabbed Hong Yi's arm tightly and asked nervously, her voice trembling slightly.

Luo Ying also hugged Hong Yi tightly, and said in agreement, "That's right, grandma, Wang Gouzhu won't die, right?"

"Hehe..." The old woman gave a deep smile, "Yes, he is indeed dead, not only he died, but his wife and children are also dead, the whole room is full of blood, when everyone rushed in, they saw three dead bodies without heads Hanging on the eaves, after searching for a long time, I couldn't find it.

Finally, it was discovered in the cemetery behind the village. The three heads were strung together on a bamboo pole. The most bizarre thing was that the tomb was that of Wang Gou's father.

Since then, people in the village have died every three days, either being skinned or heartbroken, and everyone has run away! "

"Amitabha!" A gust of wind blew past, Hong Yi tightened his clothes, took out the Bodhi rosary and hung it on his palm.

If that's true, it's kind of weird indeed.

It seems that this is the right place, there are indeed strange things that need to be saved by poor monks.

Thinking about it, Hong Yi's whole body trembled with excitement.

Chaodu or something, the most loving!

"Cough cough... Can the little monk help the old man back to the house, this person can't stand the wind when he is old..." The old woman stretched out her dry hands and tightly clasped his arms.

"Okay!" Hong Yi didn't say a word, he helped the old woman and said to the two girls, "You guys wait here, I'll come when I go!"

The flashlight was handed to the two women to illuminate, and Hong Yi helped the old woman to walk towards the village in the dark, and soon reached the door of the yard she pointed to.

Pushing open the black wooden door covered with cobwebs, what caught his eye was a large red lacquered coffin with a coffin lid half-covered, standing alone in the center of the yard.

"Tsk tsk..."

"Old man, don't you give the coffin a few eyes, don't you panic when you sleep at night?" Hong Yi circled around the red lacquered coffin.

Big red lacquered coffin.

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