Sure enough, it's the style of a vampire.

All the men were in suits and leather shoes, and when Hongyi came in from the door, it was extremely dazzling.

Everyone stared at him with strange eyes.

Hong Yi smiled warmly at everyone who was staring at him.

Walk slowly along the red carpet.

In front of the throne, there are several white-haired old men chatting, and, looking at the momentum of these old men, the terror should be the leader of these people.

At this time, Duke Dracula was discussing the sacrifice ceremony with the elders of other clans for a while.

"I didn't expect that, thousands of years ago, I can see the prince's style again!"

Hong Yi happened to walk behind them, and when he heard this compliment, he couldn't help but pouted.

It seems that this old man has some research on Chinese culture!

To say such polite words.

"Ha ha……"

Duke Dracula smiled heartily and raised the red wine glass in his hand.

"Long live Dracula, Protoss is eternal!"

All the old men raised their glasses one after another.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, there was a burst of playful laughter from behind.

Dracula frowned, smiled apologetically at everyone, and looked back.

In front of him was a bald monk, and he seemed to be Chinese!


Dare to come to Dracula's Castle?Courageous enough!

"Huaxia people?"

Dracula took a sip of the blood food in the cup and glanced at Hong Yi with disdain.


Hong Yi put his hands together and bowed to everyone.

Since you can pretend like this, the poor monk is welcome!

"Yes, the poor monk's name is Hongyi, I must have heard of Dracula's bat!"

"Speaking of which, the poor monk really has a relationship with you. Several little bats died in the hands of the poor monk!"



At this time, everyone around Duke Dracula reacted.

The monk in front of me is probably sneaking in to find trouble!

"It turned out to be you..."

The wine glass in Dracula's hand was shaking slightly.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this monk, and the housekeeper of His Royal Highness also died at the hands of this person.

"Hehe, I didn't find you to dare to come here by myself!"

Duke Dracula's expression gradually cooled down.

"Just today I will sacrifice your spiritual blood to His Royal Highness!"

"Hmph, I don't know whether to live or die..."


Hong Yi didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and slapped him directly.

The sound was very loud, and the entire crowd dancing in the hall under the throne stopped, looking at them blankly.

Duke Dracula was also stunned at this time!

He didn't expect the monk in front of him to dare...



Hong Yi pouted.

He even dared to show his teeth.

The colorful spiritual power in his hand instantly wrapped the Duke Dracula in front of him.


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