On the towering steps of the palace, stood a monk in white clothes fluttering, it was Hong Yi!

However, looking at Hong Yi coldly, his face seemed a little gloomy, and he hurriedly jumped up!

"Hongyi, are you alright? Ghost Emperor..."


Hong Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, shook his head coldly, and grabbed the running horse's face in his hand!

"Does the ghost emperor still have a place to live in this place!"


Ma Mian was stunned in place, and then quickly shouted aggrieved:

"Master, spare your life, the little one doesn't know!"


Taking a deep breath, Hongyi looked back speechlessly at the empty hall!

Just now, he has overtaken all the ghosts in the hall!

Unexpectedly, there are so many female ghosts hidden in the entire palace of the Ghost Emperor!

The worst thing is... there are still quite a few of them who are already old!

But... the underworld is so big, where can I find this ghost emperor, and although the ghost emperor didn't suffer much injury, the soul eater was seriously injured, where can he run away with a person?

"Master, I seem to know where the Ghost Emperor is!"

At this moment, Niu Tou suddenly said.

Chapter 413 Punishing the Heart Little Hell! (2 more)

"Amitabha, are you sure you didn't deceive the poor monk?"

Hong Yi looked at the dark steps in front of him, turned around and pulled the bull's head over.

"Master, Xiao has indeed heard of it, but... Xiao has never seen it!"

Niu Tou looked at the bottomless steps in horror and replied in a low voice.


Nodding helplessly, Hong Yi lowered his head and glanced at the steps under his feet that had been built to the ground!


Such a poor monk is really related to hell!

The last time I was in the small underworld, I passed through the fake eighteen layers of hell. I didn't expect that this time there would be a sixteenth layer of small hell!


The Tenth Hall of Yama, this underworld is only the Fifth Hall of Yama, what are the sixteen layers of small hells in the Fifth Hall of Yama!

This Hongyi really doesn't know!

On the way, I asked Niu Tau Ma Mian, these two guys didn't even know!

"It seems that the sixteen layers of hell in the underworld are very mysterious!"

Thinking of this, Hong Yi gritted his teeth and bowed slightly to Wang Min behind him!

"Master Wang Min, that poor monk is offended!"


Wang Min pursed his lips and nodded.

On the way, this monk named Hongyi had already discussed with her to put her in the ghost storage space behind her, and... Wang Min herself realized that these people in front of her were not ordinary people, and she had no ghost power at all. If you are not careful in this underworld, you may really lose your life!

Soon, after Hong Yi took Wang Min in, he turned to look at Leng Leng!

"I won't go in, I have the ability to protect myself, don't look at me!"

Leng Leng said immediately.

"Amitabha, then you follow the poor monk..."

"Big... Master, are we still going down? Let's not go, just wait at the top!"

Hong Yi looked back at the two of them coldly, and pouted the corners of his mouth.

The spiritual power in his hands gathered and instantly wrapped the two people face to face!

"You just wait like this!"

Then he turned his head and started walking down the steps step by step.

After turning two corners, a quaint wooden door suddenly appeared in front of you. It was pitch black inside, and you couldn't see anything!

"Be careful!"

Hong Yi turned back and said coldly:

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