Supernatural Clairvoyant

Chapter 948: Dungeon

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Need to see God's Eye!

I thought about it that way, but in fact, Fang Shen's image was a little dazed.

Those who caught him, holding one end of the rope and the other hand shoved, "Go, go inside."

The strength of these people could not shake Fang Shen's body in the slightest, but since the show was performed, he must be more professional, and Fang Shen walked to the ruined temple with ease.

After entering, one person pulled a tributary lamp in the temple dedicated to the gods, and then heard the sound triggered by the organ. After the sound of a slate slamming, one of the deities worshipped was originally a clay sculpture. But as if living, he moved aside, revealing a dark hole underneath him.

"Go in!" Those people directly pushed Fang Shen into the black hole.

After falling, Fang Shen looked up in surprise.

There is actually a world in it, and when it is just outside, the perspective cannot be detected, and it seems that the slate building this secret room is not ordinary.

At this time, a few beams of torches were hanging obliquely on the wall in the secret room, and only this could be used to maintain weak lighting.

After Fang Shen glanced for a week, the expression on his face was quite wonderful.

In this dungeon, there are more than a dozen people who have been detained.

And these people are tied to themselves just like themselves.

This made Fang Shen look at the strength of the Tiangong organization.

The rope that binds himself is obviously not ordinary. Anyone below the fairyland sees it like a mouse and a cat.

Is this the rope, Tiangong can actually achieve mass production? Can ordinary members of their staff be equipped with one person as standard equipment?

Looking at these people who were arrested just like himself, Fang Shen probably had a few counts after glancing through the eyes for a week.

They are all monks with some parts different from ordinary people.

For example, Fang Shen, in addition to the reincarnation eye, the immortal human body of the two of his greatest capital, the rest can be regarded as different from ordinary people's parts, that is, the fire pupil.

The person in this dungeon, sitting in a corner, said nothing, a woman full of frustration on her face, her face was plain, but her figure was quite hot. Her eyes were a piece of ice-blue, and On her eyebrow, there is also a snowflake-like symbol, which shows her differences from others.

Although Fang Shen didn't know what the name of her eyes was and how wonderful it was, she must be just like her own pupil, and she was also one of the **** pupils.

The woman next to her looks like her, but the older sister is more open-minded, and her face is indifferent. Her talent lies in her body, which is really strong, with muscular muscles and thick arms. , Tuan rounded up, for example, Shen ’s thighs were thick, and under the torch of the torch, she also emitted some earthy light from time to time. This woman's talent must be related to the body, just like a fairy body, cultivated to be powerful At the same time, presumably the defense force is quite amazing.

However, before this, Fang Shen has learned that in the Eastern Region, if a person has such a pupil or a sign of the **** body, it does not mean that he will cultivate it to the future.

All these signs can only be called a seed. For example, Fang Shen can now cast Impatiens claw red, but no one can be sure. The fire pupil on Fang Shen is the real pupil.

Therefore, the people detained in this dungeon can be counted as those who are carrying a certain kind of **** body seed.

Obviously, these people belong to the genius in the eyes of the major forces.

If they have fully inspired the body of God, they will naturally be happy. If they have not stimulated, the speed of cultivation will be several times or even dozens or hundreds of times that of ordinary people.

"What did Tiangong catch these people for?" Fang Shen frowned.

Suddenly he thought of another point.

"Couldn't it be that Tiangong arrested me just because they got the news that I had a fire pupil, not because of my parents?"

Fang Shen hasn't figured it out yet.

Inside this dungeon, looking at his bulkhead through the nearest person, he is very thin, and it is likely to be only about one meter four or five. The dwarf is dwarf, let alone in the Eastern Regions, because aura is abundant, even mortals are taller.

However, although this figure is weak, he has a fierce look on his face. He held his head high and looked at Fang Shen: "Hey, newcomer, climb over here and give your hand a pinch!"

Fang Shen was speechless for a moment.

Could it be that these people have been detained in the dungeon for a long time, and they are like prisons on the earth, producing prison tyrants?

Fang Shen is too lazy to bother him, after all, the most important thing now is to deal with the Heavenly Palace, not those who have been arrested.

"You **** toast and don't eat and drink!" The small, thin man snorted coldly. His body was restricted by the ropes, and he was not very free, but still pulled a hand from behind him.

It wasn't until his hand appeared that Fang Shen was finally happy.

When Fang Shen was on the earth, he saw a killer organization called Blood Hand Shura.

If the thin man in front of him grows on earth, I am afraid that he can become the ancestor of this organization.

Although he is small, his arm is extremely huge.

From the outside, the person's arm was already about the size of his entire body.

"Can it be that this person dominates the dungeon? It is entirely because the people in this dungeon have all been restricted by the rope to repair magical powers, and although this man's giant hand can not exert its peak strength, it is smashed in theory. People are still relatively bluffing, so he becomes a prisoner? "

Fang Shen laughed: "This brother, your hand is really too big, I'm afraid I can't pinch."

"Knowing that you aren't coming here honestly? Are you waiting for me to be stabbed?" The thin man raised his huge hand and slammed, just hitting the ground, the whole dungeon was shaking, but Fang Shen faced The smile on the face is even worse.

At this time, the female monk, who looked like a bull, couldn't help but say, "This little brother, you still have to pinch it. In this dungeon, you really can't beat him."

Fang Shen glanced at the real female man. This man's behavior was still good. There was no gloat on his face like many others.

The woman's face was red and swollen, and it looked like she was hit by a big stick.

How can there be a big stick in this dungeon, not the one who raised his hand to poke?

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