"How could that be? This was specially sent to me by our unit, and your library's name is even written on it!" Chen Jie naturally argued.

"Humph!" You can enter just by writing the name of our library? Then I'll write a hundred on a piece of white paper and you can go to the supermarket to buy stuff? "

The security guard sized Chen Jie up from head to toe for a moment, and revealed a disdainful expression. After all, the current Chen Jie didn't even have two hundred yuan on him.

"I'm really here to read a book. This card is also real …" Chen Jie said helplessly.

"You're still lying with your eyes open! This machine doesn't respond to your card. No way, I will not take this card! " The security guard immediately snatched Chen Jie's card, with a look of "I'm the lord" on his face.

This security guard was called Wang Yun and had worked at the Tian Hao Hotel for a period of time. After being expelled, he found some connections with his family and came to the city library to be a security guard.

As a result, after seeing how the upper class behaved, Wang Yun was extremely condescending and immediately prepared to blast Chen Jie out.

"Country bumpkin, you can't be here to steal books, right? Hurry up and get the hell back to me. Just like you, you're obviously a brick bearer!" Wang Yun spat at the ground fiercely, and said disdainfully.

Chen Jie looked at his clothes and secretly sighed in his heart, this was truly a realistic society, it seems that after this matter is over, he would have to get a few decent clothes!

"What is it? What happened, Little Wang? "

At that moment, a fat middle-aged man walked over. He was wearing a blue uniform and had a radio on his waist.

"Captain, it's you!" "This brat took a fake card and wanted to sneak in. I was teaching him!"

Wang Yun laughed complacently, and raised Chen Jie's card in his hand, as if asking for a reward.

"Let me see."

Fatty walked over and took the card to take a look. His face suddenly turned away and suddenly slapped his head. "F * ck! This is the latest expert card. I haven't recorded it into the computer yet!"

"Expert card? What expert card? " Wang Yun was alarmed, but at the bottom of his heart he was a little anxious, this brat looked ordinary, could it be that he was an expert?

Fatty's face changed, he then revealed a fawning look, and anxiously walked over, and said to Chen Jie: "I'm really sorry, what is this … "I, my subordinates are ignorant, take a look …"

"Forget it."

Chen Jie waved his hand and walked straight in. There was nothing to care about when facing this kind of person.

When the security team leader saw Chen Jie's simple attitude, coupled with the fact that Chen Jie seemed to be a little angry, his head immediately grew big.

It must be known that Seminar of Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the most important congresses of the Xuzhou City every year.

He was scolded by a security guard right in front of him. If the scoldings were to come back when the time comes, he, the captain of the security team, would not be able to sit still.

"Scram!" You blind thing! "

The fatty growled, as he kicked Wang Yun's butt, leaving the latter speechless.

Seeing Chen Jie turn around to take a look, the fatty heaved a sigh of relief. He knew very well that those who came to participate in the Seminar of Traditional Chinese Medicine could not afford to offend him.

The reason why he couldn't afford to offend the other party was because of something else.

It was because most of these doctors were the directors of the hospital, or the young geniuses of the medical community. They had quite a special relationship with the city's leaders.

Wang Yun was just a little security guard, how could he understand his captain's painstaking efforts? He started to mutter unhappily in his heart: "Fuck, isn't he just a lousy expert scholar?


Chen Jie went up to the fifth floor, which was a place used to store books on Chinese medicine. All these years, Xuzhou had a good economic situation, so the library had been rebuilt.

Chen Jie roughly looked at it. There were thousands of books in the medical category, although it was not as much as the number of books in his own university, it was still very substantial.

Immediately, he started to look at the theories of traditional Chinese medicine.

Just by reading the book, Chen Jie was completely shocked!

He realized that his comprehension and reading speed had suddenly increased by many times. Sometimes, he could finish reading a thick theoretical book in ten minutes!

This kind of terrifying speed, even Chen Jie was stunned. For some of the thinner books, Chen Jie could understand them completely within a few minutes.

At the same time, Chen Jie was surprised to discover that his memory power had increased by a huge step, allowing him to remember which page of the book a certain sentence was on.

"Ai …" My reading speed right now should be considered as one in a hundred, right? "

Chen Jie laughed bitterly, and decided that in the next period of time, he would definitely finish reading all the books here.

After all, purple lightning alone was not enough. Without the support of theory, his medical skills were like a floating pavilion.

Perhaps, Chen Jie could be like before, going once, twice, and relying on some luck to treat his patients. But a hundred, two hundred times, maybe there would be some problems.

At that time, with Chen Jie's reputation, the healer's status would probably be very high as well. If there was any problem, it would be a big deal!

Chen Jie obviously did not wish for such a thing to happen.

Because, in just over ten days of time, he had basically read through all the books here. The current Chen Jie, was completely different from the him from before!

During these dozen or so days, Chen Jie's life was very regular. Every day, after arriving at the hotel, he would carry Su Rou in his arms and sleep soundly.

In the morning, Chen Jie secretly woke up and took advantage of Su Rou's body. Only then did he reluctantly go to the library.

At this moment, Chen Jie was slowly putting down the last book on medicine in the library. A hint of a smile slowly climbed onto the corner of his mouth.

He dared to boast now, even if he was in university, he would still be able to easily question a professor in front of Chen Jie until he was rendered speechless.

After all, after Chen Jie read these thousands of books, he could be called a medical genius!

Regarding the various fields of medicine, in theory, they all exceeded the level of professors. It could be said that Chen Jie was a living miracle!

"Dr Chen: Tomorrow is the first day of our Seminar of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you must arrive on time. The location should be in the middle of the flourishing world of Butterfly Manor in the city center."

Looking at the message sent by President Zheng on his phone, Chen Jie felt touched. It seemed that President Zheng knew that he was at the library reading and couldn't bear to disturb him, so he sent him a message.

Slowly standing up, Chen Jie shook all the muscles in his body. Looking out the window at the bright lights, his heart surged.

"The seminar, here I come!"

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