"Well! To show my sincerity, I will never let them go! "

Mousse moved his wrists a few times, and his eyes showed a gloomy color, just like staring at the prey, looking at Wang Siwen and his group.

Suddenly, he moved, like an arrow from the string, to kill hundreds of people.

"Wang Tian, don't use magic, let mousse show his sincerity."

Chen Jie's face was cold with a smile.

Mousse himself is a thug of the Wang family. It will be very interesting to let him kill the Wang family now.

Not far away, Wang Siwen looks crazy and ugly.

"Kill them for me!"

Wang Siwen yelled, his feet were completely numb, and his whole body was shaking.


Mousse made a quick fist, and all the people within two meters of his body flew out. The original noisy scene gradually left only the sound of fist and meat collision.

The crazy look on people's faces had gradually disappeared. Instead, it was a kind of frightening color, and the whole audience turned pale.

"Moose, how much can you fight alone?"

White bear, with a smile on his face, looked at countless people coughing up blood after being beaten by mousse and asked curiously.

"About a hundred."

Mousse's fist is still going on, his face is indifferent, a hundred people is his limit.

Because, although he awakened the power of double fists, but in terms of endurance, there is not much difference between him and ordinary people.

"A hundred?"

All of a sudden, everyone took a breath, a person can play 100, this is not a monster, what is it?

In particular, a strong man from the hands of mousse was beaten to fly out, simply unable to fight back, let them feel a deep fear.

In a flash, the temptation of a million in these people's minds gradually became smaller.

"Chen Jie, you're dead today. I'll kill you!"

At this time, Wang Siwen suddenly pulled the trigger, black muzzle, a bullet toward the fly out.

All the people in the dragon blood special team are all in consternation and lose their looks. Does this guy really dare to shoot and kill?

In China, holding guns is a big crime, let alone shooting and killing people. Wang Siwen is crazy!

Moreover, from the point of view of his shooting technique, it is very accurate. Obviously, he has received special training.

With the sound of the gun, a sneer slowly appeared on Wang Siwen's face. He was sure that he had hit.

As long as you kill Chen Jie, the people behind him should be able to get rid of him with some money. Wang Siwen is sure that his family has the ability.

However, something happened that made Wang Siwen look unbelievable. Suddenly, Chen Jie opened his right hand and almost turned into a lightning bullet. Unexpectedly, in Chen Jie's palm, sparks were flying everywhere!

The light around was dim, only some of the lights were shining. However, everyone was stunned, because Chen Jie was holding a shrank bullet in his hand

"This... How is this possible?"

Wang Siwen's face changed greatly, both of them trembled, and his face showed the color of fear, and he almost lost his sense.

How fast is it that a man catches a bullet with his body?

"Kill him, I'll give him ten million!"

Wang Siwen roared with despair in his voice, and his face completely lost its color.

A year or two ago, Chen Jie was an ordinary student. At that time, Wang Siwen would not have looked at Chen Jie if it wasn't for Wu Mengyao.

But now, just one year later, Chen Jie has grown to this point!

Empty handed to receive bullets, this is simply the scene of the film, but now it happened in front of Wang Siwen.

"Young master, let's go back... It seems that these people are not so simple..."

"Yes, they are not a river crossing dragon, they are a group of dragons! We local snakes can only shrink up... "

Ma gan'er and Meng GE's face had already turned pale. After seeing Chen Jie take the bullet empty handed, they completely gave up their revenge.

"Forget it, Wang Shao... We are not sure that we can make it..."

Ma gan'er has a bitter look on his face. At least he has been in the underground world for more than ten years. He knows who can be provoked and who can't be touched.

The iron plate like Chen Jie is almost plain and ruthless. Let alone provoke, even people like Ma Gan can only walk around when they see him.

Besides, Chen Jie is not alone. Behind him, there are a group of monstrous perverts

"I don't care, no matter what means I use today, I will kill him!"

Wang Siwen roared, the whole face muscles are distorted, a pair of eyes full of hate, staring at Chen Jie.

Opposite, Chen Jie shook his head, light way: "why, today you are called to ten times the people, are not worth a finger of mine."

"What? Ha ha ha! Don't be too crazy. Besides mousse, there are two kings of the underground world in Jinling City. Don't be happy too soon! "

Meng Ge snorted coldly, and cried loudly, but he didn't dare to step forward, but was always around Wang Siwen.

Because he knows that Chen Jie doesn't want Wang Siwen to die yet

"White bear, help mousse."

See the field of Mu Si, the body has more than a dozen knife edge, blood dripping, Chen Jie is also frowned.

These people in the underground world are much more fierce than those little gangsters. They are in a completely lifeless posture.

And Wang Siwen said, as long as you kill anyone on your side, you will be given 10 million. It's strange that these people are not crazy!

You know, maybe if you give someone a knife, you'll have a place for the rest of your life.

This kind of thing, the fool does not do.

"Go to hell!"

A big man with the same figure as the white bear had several scars on his face. When he saw that the White Bear looked like a college student, a sneer of disdain appeared in the corner of his mouth and rushed over with a roar.

"You dare to talk about death in front of me?"

White bear a smile, his face appeared a touch of gloomy, voice slightly disdain.

"I can hold you down with one finger."

The white bear put out a finger and pointed it on the top of the man's head.

For a moment, a strong fear suddenly appeared on the scar man's face. The whole person was like a heavy hammer!

In a flash, his whole body skeleton, issued bursts of broken sound, his whole knee directly broken, mouth bleeding, as if by Taishan.

And his feet, deep in the ground, were buried.

"What are you calling for? As I said, you can't even carry one of my fingers. "

A faint smile, white bear slowly back fingers, eyes full of disdain.

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