However, in just half an hour, the video about Wang Siwen spread throughout the upper class circle of Jinling City.

In the video, Wang Siwen is beaten black and blue, his hair is scattered in wisps, and his face is full of despair.

In the past, he used to be the best childe in Jinling City, but now he is like this, which naturally caused a big earthquake in the upper class society of Jinling City!

"Go and find out what's going on. Some people in Wang Siwen dare to move. What's the origin of the other party?"

"Ha ha, it's really calming. This guy is so crazy that he finally kicked on the iron plate today. It can only be said that there are people out there!"

"Brother Wang, who dares to move? This guy is dying. Who doesn't know the influence of the Wang family in the whole North? I'm really impatient. Let's wait and see the follow-up. "

The whole upper class circle and underground world of Jinling are boiling at the same time.

This night, for many people, is a nightmare!

"Escort them to the nearest base for me. I have already said hello to them and interrogated them one by one. They are not clean."

Glancing at the wailing strong man on the ground, there was no pity on Chen Jie's face.

If he's the one who's down now, maybe he's dead.

Everything is due to strength. Although things in the underground world can't be seen, there are still some potential rules.

Obviously, neither Chen Jie nor Wang Siwen touched this rule today, but they just chose to eat black.

At this time, Chen Jie suddenly received a phone call with a tail number of 888888.

"Are you Chen Jie?"

There was a cold voice on the phone.


Chen Jie light answer, has guessed who the other party is, to each other's means, want to get his phone, but is a piece of cake.

"You will send my son back now to ensure his safety. I can not pursue the previous affairs."

"If my son makes a mistake, your family in Jianghan city will die."

At the other end of the phone, it is obvious that the middle-aged people who have been in the upper position for a long time speak in an extremely cold voice, like an order, with threats.

"Hehe, since you have found my phone number, do you know my identity?"

Chen Jie words indifference, light way: "your son's people, my woman and brother kidnapped, but also maltreated them."

"You can tell me about it?"

Chen Jie's eyes have burst out a series of murders, which makes Wang Siwen not far away feel chilly and his teeth tremble.

At the moment, he is like facing a beast that eats people and does not spit bones. Chen Jie's eyes are really terrible at the moment!

"Take my son to Jinling Hotel. I can promise you anything you want. This is my last concession."

"Otherwise, your woman and brother..."

The middle-aged man hung up directly.

The members of the dragon blood special team were cold in their eyes. They naturally heard Chen Jie's call just now.

"This local snake is so rampant, he threatens the chief instructor?"

"Hum, our chief drillmaster is a real major general in the army. In terms of rank, he is a provincial feudal official. When he sees him, he is equal, not to mention a dragon blood major general!"

"Is this bullshit Wang family looking for death? Let's kill him tonight. I don't think anyone dares to stop us!"

The members of the dragon blood special team fight for Chen Jie.

"Chief instructor, are you going to the party tonight?"

Wang Tian and Bai Xiong ask each other, and the others look forward to Chen Jie, hoping that Chen Jie will give orders.

"Go. But this time, I will let the Wangs lose and scatter all their wealth. "

Chen Jie's intention to kill appears in his pupils. This is the second time that he has been threatened by others.

Last time, it was the Wang family in Australia who threatened Chen Jie's family. As a result, he asked the troops to upgrade the security level of his relatives to SSS level.

This time, someone threatened him with the lives of Wu Mengyao and Ah Wei.

But now Chen Jie is much stronger than he was at that time

Jinling Hotel.

As the highest grade hotel in Jinling City, it absorbs famous chefs from eight cuisines, and the price is not affordable for an ordinary family.

Only the real elite can often enjoy the exquisite service here.

Chen Jie went to the banquet alone. All the dragon blood members escorted the hundreds of people to the nearest base.

"Sir, we have been wrapped up here today. Please come back."

Just as Chen Jiegang stepped onto the red carpet with gold wire, a man with white gloves, a custom-made suit and professional intercom headphones on his ears held out his hand to stop Chen Jie and said faintly.

After looking at Chen Jie once more, a look of disgust suddenly appeared in his eyes. He was full of disdain and stood directly in front of Chen Jie.

He has seen many people with ordinary clothes and no temperament. He has no money to come in and take photos or see the world.

Even if it's normal, but today, the Wang family is holding a banquet. Is this kind of person able to come in?

Chen Jie raised his head and looked at the sign of the hotel. Immediately, a light color appeared on his face: "this is Jinling Hotel."

"You are blind. Can't you see the words on it?"

The big man glared at Chen Jie fiercely, and immediately his face was full of disgust: "get out of here, don't trample on the carpet when a distinguished guest comes

"The Wangs asked me to come to the banquet. Are you sure you want me to go?"

Chen Jie has no expression on his face. Just then, the phone of his mobile phone suddenly rings.

"I'm here, but the doorman outside doesn't seem to let me in."

Chen Jie takes a look at the big man, turns around and looks at the night scene of Jinling City.

"Grass, let you roll, don't you hear me? I'm still standing here, waiting for the distinguished guests to come and disturb them. Can you bear it?"

The man looked at his watch and saw that Chen Jie was still standing in the same place. He seemed to be making a phone call. He immediately got angry and grabbed the mobile phone from Chen Jie's hand and fell to the ground.


Chen Jie's mobile phone was directly smashed into rags, and his face was instantly gloomy.

"You're looking for death!"

Chen Jie slapped him in the past and threw him in the face. Before the specially trained man could see Chen Jie's action, he flew out directly.

"Somebody, somebody, somebody's making trouble!"

The big man's face turned into a pigliver color, and half of his body was paralyzed, which was the result of Chen Jie's only 10% strength.

All of a sudden, a team of people in black suits and indifferent eyes rushed out of the lobby of the hotel.

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