"A few years ago, Martial Arts Realm received a national call to establish the" China's National Arts Embassy ", which gathered all martial artists under the heavens to jointly resist the invasion of foreign underground powers.

National Arts Embassy divided all warriors in the Martial Arts Realm into three levels, which were also publicly accepted as the levels of martial artists. They were: 'outer strength practitioner', 'inner strength martial artist', and 'strength transformation grandmaster'.

The strength of a warrior with external strength was several times stronger than an ordinary person. Fighting against ten wouldn't be a problem. He could cultivate external strength and wrap his body around it. When facing an opponent, he could also unleash strength several times stronger.

As long as he could cultivate even the slightest bit of external strength, he would be able to heavily injure his opponent, and even killing him with a single punch would not be a difficult matter.

'Inner strength 'could transform external strength into inner strength and inject it into the body, making it extremely hard. Its strength was far stronger than an ordinary person's, but it was unable to resist bullets.

They were able to go up along the walls and step into the water. They could gather their inner strength at a certain point on their bodies and unleash a powerful force.

As for the even more terrifying 'Grandmaster Strength Conversion' … "

Xu Rong paused here, then looked towards Chen Jie and said: "Those are the legendary figures, their strength is so strong that it's hard to imagine. Every single one of them are unrivalled existences, real dragon amongst men.

They could release their inner strength for a few feet to form a defensive qi barrier to defend themselves from the incoming bullets.

It can even infuse inner strength into a rope, making it harder than a steel whip, infusing true energy into a piece of paper, and turning it into a sharp blade. "

After Chen Jie heard this, he finally understood. The other party had actually treated his method of releasing Spirit Qi as a Grandmaster's method of releasing Inner Qi.


Chen Jie did not want to explain anything. After all, his storage ring's methods were close to godlike, and could not be seen with the eyes of a mortal.

"What is going on with the two of you? Do you still have any laws in your eyes?"

Seeing that Chen Jie seemed to be slightly unhappy, a haze hung over Xu Rong's face, and like a parent lecturing a child, he shouted at the two.

As if he had eaten a dead fly, Xiao Shihu could only bitterly smile and explain everything in detail.

After all, he couldn't hide anything from this Second Young Master Xu.

After helping Xu Rong deal with many matters in secret, Xu Rong's many methods caused Xiao Shihu to feel deeply fearful.

"Xiao Shihu, how do you explain what happened today?" Chen Jie held his hands behind his back, looking at the rolling thunderclouds, he asked indifferently.

"Hurry up and apologize to Grandmaster Chen?" Xu Rong swept his eyes across Xiao Shihu.

"Grandmaster Chen, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Xiao Shihu did not waste time talking, he bent down, he knew that this was Second Master Xu helping him, giving him a way out.

"Not enough." Chen Jie said indifferently.

"Then... Grandmaster Chen, I should... " Xiao Shihu's face trembled as he forcefully suppressed the impatience in his heart.

swish *

Chen Jie flicked his finger, and a near white Qi sword fiercely slashed across Xiao Shihu's face.

Xiao Shihu felt his vision blur, as if nothing had happened.

"Go and find me ten stalks of 100-year-old medicine, then let this matter rest. Otherwise, I'll take your life!" Chen Jie coldly glanced at him.

At the same time, he continued, "Don't try to deal with me, or you will not even know how you died."

What a joke, the current Chen Jie was a genius in medicine, and with the help of Spirit Qi, his hand with a silver needle was able to hit even faster.

The current Chen Jie could easily deal with even three or four black bears, let alone one.

How could Xiao Shihu not agree? After asking Chen Jie for the antidote to cure Black Bear, he kowtowed heavily.

After jumping down from the second floor, Chen Jie walked into the rain, leaving the three people on the second floor in shock.

"Hmm? How come your eyelashes, Xiao Shihu, are gone? "

Xu Rong stared at it and took a deep breath.

"Just now …" He cut off your eyelashes? "

Hearing that, Xiao Shihu's entire body shivered, and a layer of cold sweat immediately surfaced on his back.

Even Black Bear was not a match for this kind of power, wouldn't he be sending them to their deaths?

"As expected of the face of a Grandmaster …" How can a dragon among such people reach our tiny Xuzhou? "

Xu Rong was extremely confused, but in his heart, he had already made up his mind to tell this matter to his brother.

Xuzhou Master, Xu Loong!

No one was clearer than him about what it meant to be a grandmaster in strength transformation.

The thunderclouds in the sky gradually calmed down, and a pitch-black, lengthened Lincoln sped out from the sky.

"Do you want to die? Get out of my way!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, and the driver gave his order with an unquestionable tone.


Xu Rong shuddered, in the midst of the rain stood a young man, his entire body seemed to be wrapped in fog, his entire body not even touching a single drop of rain.

"Grandmaster Chen! Get in the car and talk! "

Xu Rong was ecstatic and quickly opened the car window. He did not care about the rain as he flew in, it completely drenched his expensive custom-made suit.

Chen Jie didn't even move as he stood in the middle of the road and looked at Xu Rong indifferently: "I forgot to tell you just now that I can cure your illness."

"Sick?" Xu Rong wiped off the rain on his body with a brown cloth and asked.

"I can help you deal with your unspeakable problems. Go and get me some hundred-year-old medicine."

Chen Jie said indifferently, his eyes not looking down on the person in front of him, as if he was talking about an extremely normal thing.

Hearing this, Xu Rong's face suddenly changed, but very quickly, the excitement in his eyes suppressed the shame.

When Xu Rong was seven years old, because he had once sneakily drunk the thousand year old ginseng tonics that the Xu Family Old Man had treasured, his little brother lasted for an entire half a month in the end.

Due to the child's age and the fact that his Xu Family was not that of an ordinary person, the doctors who invited him did not dare to offer any suggestions.

In the end, the people from the Xu Family shockingly discovered that Xu Rong was actually unable to show the side of a man. Seeing his peers galloping amongst the countless beauties, Xu Rong felt extremely inferior to them!

Xu Family spent a lot of money to find famous professors of Chinese medicine, western medicine and so on, but none of them were able to do anything about it.

Some of the more extreme electric stimulation treatments and some of the people's eccentric soil recipes had been tried over and over again, but none of them had any effect.

From then on, Xu Rong did not hold much hope, and was used to people calling him Second Master Xu, while ridiculing his incompetence.

If it was anyone else who said that it could be cured, he would definitely not believe it. However, if it was the words of a master of strength transformation, then the weight would be extremely heavy.


Immediately, Xu Rong was so excited that his face was flushed red, he took out a black card from the box and handed it over to Chen Jie with both hands.

"This card is my top Xu Family Group VIP black card. Holding this card is equivalent to holding the president's personal card. Everything is free."

"If a Grandmaster can cure my hidden disease, Grandmaster Chen is Xu Rong's reborn parents!"

Chen Jie nodded his head, to him, this was just a small matter.

He casually put the black card in his pocket, looked around at the traffic and got a taxi.

In the lengthening of the Lincoln, Xu Rong wiped off the lenses of his gold-rimmed glasses, staring at the taxi as it left, he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Grandmaster Chen doesn't want to reveal his address."

Xu Rong felt relieved after he thought about it. After all, this kind of person was extremely intelligent and he was not familiar with him.

Rubbing his eyes, Xu Rong felt a headache coming on. He had just returned to the Xuzhou yesterday.

It was said that a genius doctor had appeared at that seminar and saved Ye Tianshan without any medical equipment, which was comparable to the Ancient Magpie Hua Tuo.

Xu Rong naturally did not believe it, after all, there were too many people stirring up a ruckus, he was prepared to go see the genius doctor to distinguish between the truth and the falsehood.

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