
Xiaoqing is a big circle, standing up almost as tall as a person. His eyes, like longan's, are very smart. He keeps dancing around Chen Jie. According to Chen Jie's experience, this little guy must be hungry.

"Well, Xiaoqing, let's go hunting and feed you!" Chen Jie a smile, took it out, a person a bird rushed to deeper mountain forest.

Now, although Chen Jie's strength has been very strong, he can only walk carefully in the periphery of 100000 mountains.

Xiaoqing unfolds steel like wings, and Chen Jie sits on it, feeling much more stable than before.

These days, Chen Jie repeatedly looked at the bone Book Wang Yuanzong gave him. It can be judged that Xiaoqing, who appeared here, should have evolved to the level of semi wild beast.

Looking down from the top, you can see mountains, valleys, basins, dense forests and so on. Chen Jie and Xiao Qing are also looking for targets everywhere.

In a short time, Chen Jie chose a group of targets to attack. They were a group of wild animals, each of which was comparable to the master of building a base!

Xiaoqing wings a shock, circling and fall, gold feet firmly fell on a big stone.

Below them, under a waterfall of more than 30 meters, a group of one horned bull are resting, lazily lying in the mud, rolling body, from time to time make a loud nose, spouting saliva gas.

"Unicorn bull, it's a good prey." Chen Jie licked his lips, and Xiao Qing looked down at the situation below.

"There are more than 20 of them, but I don't know how many can be hit in the end." Chen Jie has some expectations.

If he can, he doesn't want to spend his time on hunting and killing prey. If he can kill enough food at one time, the best choice is to spend the rest of his time on cultivation.

Moreover, these days, Chen Jie found it necessary for him to open the eyes of heaven after practicing the method of building the foundation of "Qing Xuan Bu Tian Jue"!

According to the butianjue, each of the most powerful martial arts peaks in the world has opened the eyes of martial arts heaven, which can detect the nothingness, slow down the opponent's movements, and have all kinds of terrible power, such as shooting divine light, spitting thunder and so on. It is mysterious and unpredictable.

The first step to open the martial arts heavenly eye is to overcome the inner fear and use the skin and five senses to perceive the outside world, commonly known as the Dharma eye!

After opening the eye of magic, the body method in combat can be changed qualitatively. It is not only pure attack and defense, but also downward chess. Every move is a kind of layout. When the opponent wakes up, his life will be blocked, and there is no way out.

After the eye of Dharma is the eye of mind.

At this level, there is no need for the eyes of the body, but to be able to sense the opponent's loopholes, so as to attack and kill with all one's strength, which can greatly enhance the strength.

Finally, it is the most difficult step to open the eye of martial arts.

All those who can come to this step are the martial arts talents with great perseverance. As long as the spirit of Tao is firm, it must be the existence of Chengzong as the ancestor and enjoy the incense of all living beings.

Although many strong people have not been able to really open their eyes when they come to the quadrupole realm, there are many legendary people in the whole cultivation world who can open their eyes when they have built their foundation.

And Chen Jie, is to do such a person, and even beyond it!

"Choo Choo"

Xiao Qing shouts around Chen Jie, looking very excited.

Chen Jie touched his nose, and now he can't understand the bird language, otherwise he can communicate with Xiaoqing.

"Xiaoqing, I'll go and seal their retreat. You can hunt them as many as you can!"

After observing for a while, Chen Jie determined that there was no semi wild animal nearby. He immediately compared with Xiaoqing.

He knew that when he reached the level of a semi wild animal, he would have high intelligence and be able to understand people's words, but he could not speak them.

Chen Jie heard that in the more mysterious part of the holy land, some of the wild animals in the hundred thousand mountains were able to speak and change into human form, and they were living in the world of cultivation. He didn't know if they were real.


One person and one bird shoot out like two flashes of lightning. Although Xiaoqing is very gentle in front of Chen Jie, she is fierce at the moment, showing a wild side. Her golden claws stick out and directly pierce the skull of a bull.

In fact, this one horned bull is much like a rhinoceros, but it is much bigger. Each one is more than two meters high and three or four meters long, like a thick meat wall.

There is precious blood in the horns of their foreheads, which is a rare tonic. People in the wilderness often hunt them to get the precious blood of ox horn.


The one horned cattle all rushed out of the mud,

Xiaoqing is much smaller than them, but his whole body is as strong as steel. Every claw falls, and a bull is killed.

But in a flash, Xiaoqing turned into a blue whirlwind, like a wolf into a sheep, killed seven or eight heads, lying dead on the ground. Chen Jiemu was stunned.

"So strong?"

Chen Jie was both surprised and strange. Xiaoqing was so powerful that he didn't expect him to. At the moment, he flapped his wings and his feet were golden. Under each blow, he made a sound like thunder, which was very terrible.


Under such a terrible attack, the one horned bull frantically ran away. However, Chen Jie had already been waiting there, and his sword had already come out of the sheath!

Nowadays, it is common for Chen Jie to hunt wild animals.

"Although these brutes are powerful, their means of attack are very single and their speed is very slow."

"If I can exert my body method to the extreme, I may be able to leave all these Unicorn bulls here in an instant!"

Chen Jie's heart moved. It's really a good way. It can not only force his strength out, but also get a lot of precious blood, so as to impact the three aspects of building the foundation!

As usual, Chen Jie did not dare to provoke these big guys alone, but now, he has the capital!


Every muscle of his body relaxes, and he enters into that kind of ethereal state. The mud splashes under the trample of the bull, but Chen Jie suddenly closes his eyes!

In his hands, the silver sword blooms a terrible light, and the body of the three foot sword breathes the power of the sword!


As the sound of his words fell, Chen Jie flashed out and flew tens of meters like an arc. The sword on the Dao sword breathed and penetrated the head of a bull.

With the huge head flying out, Chen Jie's movements are faster and faster. Now he has completely adapted to the use of sword, and the whole person has an ethereal atmosphere.

Even with thunder and lightning attached to his sword, every time he went down, the bull would feel stiff and paralyzed!

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