Like a thief, Chen Jie slipped into the Inn and closed all the windows. Then he closed his eyes and began to practice cross legged.

Then, his eyes suddenly opened, and he thought of something. He took out a silver ring and licked his lips.

This is the ring of the son of the Lord of the city. Although it is not as rich as Wang Yun, it is a small treasure.

Chen Jie hands on the ring a touch, the mind will appear in the ring of the scene.

It's only about half the size of a room. There are some swords and spirit stones, which can have about 1000 pieces. In addition, there is an sandalwood box which is placed in the most prominent position.

Picked up a slightly heavy, simple sandalwood box, open it, a fragrance is drilled into the tip of the nose.

Chen Jie slightly Leng for a while, some surprised voice is spread: "originally Ye Han auctioned the fruit of the spring, has not had time to use it!"

In the sandalwood box, there is a golden fruit as big as a persimmon!

It is very fresh and full of flesh. It is a unique product of the one hundred thousand mountains, and it is condensed by the essence of all animals after death.

With a satisfied smile on his face, Chen Jie said, "God helps me. With this fruit, I can break into the four levels of building foundation today!"

All of a sudden, Chen Jie felt his sword give out a light sound. If it wasn't for his mental strength, he couldn't feel it at all.

Chen Jie's heart is cold, but on the surface, he is still silent. Is someone following him?

"This spiritual force is very obscure. Ordinary martial arts can't find out. I'm afraid it comes from the sect of cultivating truth."

The surprise in Chen Jie's eyes became more intense and he scratched his head.

"But I didn't offend those people of Xiuxian sect. Why did they follow me?"

"No matter, cut off the contact first."

Chen Jie raised his right hand slightly, then waved down like cutting a thread. Suddenly, Chen Jie's sword was buzzing.

"Well, from now on, this sword really belongs to me."

Soon, the night is coming, but today's city Lord's house is very restless!


At this moment, a middle-aged man's angry voice came from the stern City Lord's mansion. His waist was straight and his eyes were shining with a kind of breathtaking breath and a kind of great dignity.

"You actually let the young master take people to the mountains? Damn it, it's only reported now? "

Ye Ling, the leader of the city, kicked away a city guard who came to report and said coldly: "send someone to search for me quickly! We must ensure the safety of the little Lord

Just as Ye Ling's voice fell, an old man with gray hair and sparse hair came in with an unhappy face.

"Han'er had already told me at noon that I had specially sent two of the family members. He said that he was going to walk outside the city, so he didn't have to worry."

Ye Yuanshan is not anxious, sitting on the chair, gently blowing the surface of a cup of tea, sipping a sip of tea.

See his father so indifferent, Ye Ling also hard to say what, cold hum.

However, just at this time, a city guard came running in, sweating and shivering, and said, "my Lord, it's not good!"

"Flustered, what kind of system?"

Ye Ling some impatient way: "what is it?"

The famous city guard's forehead was blue and his legs were shaking. He was very scared and said: "little Lord... Little Lord was hurt by a traitor!"


With the sound of the porcelain cup falling to the ground, ye Yuanshan bounced up from his seat, his eyes turned red and roared, "what are you talking about! Say it again

"The people of the lone wolf hunting team... Said... They saw the body of the young Lord outside the city, and now they brought it back..."

Ye Ling's face was expressionless, and he stood in the middle of the hall for a long time. Then he asked in a sharp voice: "my son... Is gone?"


Soon after, the city Lord's house became tense, as if it were going to war. A series of soldiers in iron armor searched the whole castle peak.

"According to the wound inference, this person should be the strength of building the foundation. The traces of the scene of the battle can also show that ye Shaozhu led people to find him."

"But in the end they were all killed by that man."

"Only those who live in the wilderness all the year round can have such a practical body method. It is neither gorgeous nor ethereal. Everything is created by killing the enemy. Besides, the person in front of us is very likely to be a young man!"

Someone from the lone wolf team who brought back Ye Han's body analyzed the situation at that time. If they hadn't rushed early, they might not have seen Ye Han's body.

"Check, check for me!"

With the order of the city master, there seems to be a big earthquake in Qingshan city. The only son of the city master was killed, which is almost unbelievable!


That night, a group of knights went straight through the gate of Castle Peak City, and all the soldiers along the road were thrown out.

"The wanted man is in this city now. We must find him tonight!"

Wu Teng ignored everyone's face and roared at the city gate. When he saw the chaos in the city, he noticed Ye Ling with an iron face.

"I'll see general Wu..." Ye Ling's face is full of grief and tears.

"Lord Ye, how is this castle peak full of noise?" Wu Teng was a little confused. He saw that some of the guards around him were wearing untidy clothes. It was obvious that they had just assembled.

When ye Ling saw Wu Teng coming, she guessed that it was for the wanted thing. She immediately hid her face and sobbed, "my Lord, you must make the decision for me. Today, my child... Was killed by a traitor!"

"What? How could it be that Lord Ye's son was killed outside the city? "

"What young man is so powerful, and who is he?" Wu Teng's eyes showed a trace of coldness. This man is not simple. He has escaped his pursuit many times and is still alive.

Naturally, Wu Teng was very surprised. In such a big and barren City, the prestige of the city leader was very high. How could you kill the son of the city leader?

"Just under the waterfall, ye Han was killed by a sword!" In the lone wolf hunting team, the leader came out and reported.


Wu Teng seemed to think of something, suddenly changed color, coldly said: "I know, it must be the man who killed the son of death, he is also in this city, these two things are actually done by one person!"

"This man must be found out tonight!"

"The Marquis of the war has an order. All the soldiers who find out this man by hand will be granted a thousand families, and will be rewarded with ten thousand pieces of Lingjing to get the cultivation quota of Daowu Xianzong!"

Wu Teng's eyes were serious and his back was straight. He called out in the city guards.

He didn't believe who had the courage and who could resist under such attractive conditions.

In particular, Daowu Xianzong training quota, it is simply let people leap into the dragon's gate, transformed into a strong pass!

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