Xiao Shihu originally thought that Chen Jie was a grandmaster, but after communicating with Zhang Tianhao for the past two days, he found out that Chen Jie was actually a cultivator, so he calmed down a little.

Cultivators were just like the three Ji Masters. They relied on their own powers of comprehension to communicate with the mysterious energy in the world and turn it into their own.

In the eyes of others, the actions of Chen Jie in the Butterfly Manor had naturally been reduced to the category of cultivators.

After all, if a twenty year old grandmaster were to be placed in the outside world, he would be able to pierce through the heavens!

If Chen Jie was a cultivator and had some kind of special ability, which coincidentally allowed him to not get stained by the rain, then everything could be explained.

"Hehe, that person is only at the late stage of the outer strength. Even if he is an inner strength expert, I am not afraid. My Fang family is a martial arts family of the present, so we can send out our experts to deal with him." Faang Zhenyun smiled faintly, he was very confident.

Chen Jie shook his head, the feeling Faang Zhenyun gave others was extremely exaggerated.

Through the purple lightning, Chen Jie discovered that the Spirit Qi in his body was very thin, and his strengthened body was even more limited.

With a preliminary look, Chen Jie could roughly deduce that this person's strength should be at the late stage of the External Strength Realm.

"Are you talking about …?" The current Patriarch of the Fang family? " Xiao Shihu seemed to have thought of something, and asked closely.

"That's right. The current head of the Fang family is a martial artist who has mastered his inner strength. With just a step, he can step into the peak of the martial way — the peak of inner strength!"

"At that point, you will be able to have an equal conversation with the officials of the city and the rich and powerful people of the city. You won't even be able to kill a person with a gun, you will be like a war god."

As he said till here, Faang Zhenyun revealed an expression of endless yearning and respect.

Zhang Tianhao didn't seem to match with his usual calm appearance. "How is that possible? If such a person really exists, why isn't it reported on TV? "

"We're not in the same circle, and I still can't understand. Boss Zhang, are you questioning my words?"

Faang Zhenyun proudly glanced at Zhang Tianhao, his right hand placed on the solid wood table, and pinched his thumb and forefinger together.


After this action was done, the sounds of people inhaling cold air rose and fell, each and every one of them staring at the scene before them with widened eyes.

A corner of the sandalwood table had been crushed like tofu. It was two inches wide and had been crushed by someone with tremendous force.

The sandalwood was harder, much harder than normal wood, but in Faang Zhenyun's hands, it was like tofu, unbearably hard.

"This... The strength of a late stage outer strength martial artist? " Zhang Tianhao gasped, trembling he asked.

Faang Zhenyun raised his eyebrows, crossed his legs, and had an arrogant expression, as he enjoyed the shock of the few people around him.

Chen Jie shook his head, Faang Zhenyun's power was only mediocre, with his cultivation method, he would be able to knock him down with one punch.

Much less now that he was at the early stage of Qi Refining, this kind of character would not even enter Chen Jie's eyes.

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow, I'll bring my two disciples and the two of you to go together."

Faang Zhenyun said with an undeniable tone.

"Grandmaster Fang, what …?" "Chen …" Xiao Shihu frowned and asked.

Faang Zhenyun was obviously very unhappy, and said with slight anger: "If you guys want to take him, then go ahead. In the future, if you encounter such things again, don't look for me, go look for him."

Xiao Shihu clenched his teeth, revealing a troubled expression, and looked at Chen Jie.

Chen Jie said to Xiao Shihu indifferently: "Not yet, since you invited me, I'll follow you guys tomorrow."

Following that, Chen Jie looked at Faang Zhenyun and laughed faintly: "As for the performance just now, in my opinion, it's just a joke."

"Hehe …" To overlook everything also needs capital. " Faang Zhenyun sneered.

With that, he coldly snorted, flicked his sleeves, and left with his disciples and grandchildren.

"It's fine. We'll know the result tomorrow." Chen Jie was not in a hurry as he consoled Xiao Shihu.

Compared to Zhang Tianhao, Xiao Shihu's reason for getting to know him was simpler, his personality had always been the same as Chen Jie.

The next day, a black Mercedes and a brown Bentley pulled into Riverside Park.

A luxury cruiser with a captain of at least a few hundred meters was parked on the shore.

Xiao Shihu and Zhang Tianhao were very well-prepared, they had prepared their own men in the surrounding, a total of 50 people, all of whom were experienced experts.

"Hehe, it seems like that kid is just mediocre. He actually chose to jump off the boat. If he can't beat him, he can still jump off the boat." Faang Zhenyun laughed.

"Of course, with your Master Fang watching over, that Ji Tianlang is either a dead dog or a drowned chicken in the river, hahaha …" Zhang Tianhao laughed.

Ji Tianlang had always been a thorn in his heart. Now that the thorn was finally going to be pulled out, Zhang Tianhao felt indescribably happy in his heart.

"Come on, let's go up first. It's set to be two o'clock at night. There's still a long way to go." Xiao Shihu said as he frowned.

The Princess Alice was a luxury cruise ship with a length of more than 200 meters. It was extremely luxurious and had bright lights. For the time being, she had docked at this pier.

The location of the arranged battle was in the meeting room of the cruise ship. Other than the people ambushing in Riverside Park, there were also several gunmen arranged around the meeting room.

"Hmph, as long as that Ji Tianlang comes here today, he's in the inescapable net!" Zhang Tianhao said coldly.

The few of them saw that everything was ready, so they sat down and waited quietly for two o'clock.

At night, they were all deep in sleep, but none of them dared to relax.

Strangely, at 2: 05 p.m., there was still no movement from outside.

"He's here."

Black Bear, who had been lurking outside using infrared telescope, suddenly ran in and said in a deep voice.

Then, suddenly, there were the crackling sounds of fighting, miserable screams, and a few gunshots that were covered by silencers. But soon, it was quiet again.

Xiao Shihu and Zhang Tianhao looked at each other, and saw the fear in each other's eyes. There were more than fifty elite warriors on the outside, and there were no lack of Black Fists contestants that Xiao Shihu had invited over from the Western District.

There were over 50 people and a few gunners. Everything was settled in less than a few minutes?

Zhang Tianhao and Xiao Shihu sucked in a breath of cold air, maintaining their composure. They shockingly discovered that their opponent was much stronger than they had imagined.


Suddenly, the glass in the meeting room shattered like a fairy. A figure wearing black clothes flew out from inside the meeting room.

This person gave off a very sharp feeling. His eyes were like two sharp knives, his black hair draped over his shoulders. He was barefoot, and he gave off a wild and arrogant air.

"Long time no see, the two of you. Quite a few people have come to deal with me. " Ji Tianlang stepped on the glass with his bare feet, turning any place he stepped on into powder.

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