"Think of me, Ji Xuan, who studied Lingdao in his thirteenth year, drew the first auxiliary lingfu in his fifteenth year, which is famous all over the world."

"In the 27th year of Yanli, banditry broke out in Yanhuang city. It was I who practiced amulets all night, assembled three armies, and wiped out more than ten bandit nests in Yanhuang mountain range."

"In the 42nd year of Yanli, the water supply of the demon dragon in the canal of Southern Jiangsu was cut off. I refined the Dragon chopping knife and put it at the bottom of the bridge. When the flood came, I cut the demon Dragon into two parts."

"In the 46th year of Yanli period, the vulva soldiers' passage in the ancient tomb of Youzhou was sealed by Buyou mountain for the altar of Dharma


"In the 52nd year of Yanli, the demonic forces outside shenhuang City invaded on a large scale and even went down to the 32nd city of Yanguo. There were many corpses and rivers of blood. Among thousands of troops, it was I who coughed blood all night to refine the amulet. Ten days and ten nights did not stop. Finally, the message of great victory came from the front line!"

"I, Ji Xuan, have been practicing together for more than 30 years. I've read thousands of ancient books, records of gods, and battle charts all over the world. Only then can I have today's status and reputation. How dare you insult me, you yellow mouthed child?"

Seeing Ji Xuan so angry, the faces of the three elders are extremely stiff. Ji Xuan's status is very high, that is, the face of the king of Yan, he can not sell it.

Everywhere he went, he was respectful and worshipped. It was more difficult for countless people to see him. It was like going to heaven.

I didn't think that today, I was sneered at by Chen Jie in shenhuang tower. How can I make him not angry?

"Have you finished? And then I'll go. "

Chen Jie gave him a light look and lowered his eyelids.


Chen Jie's understatement makes Ji Xuan almost completely mad.

Especially when seeing the latter's indifferent eyes, Ji Xuan felt a deep insult.

It seems that these experiences, which are shocking enough in the outside world, seem to be like children's tricks in Chen Jie's eyes.

"There's a big difference between the seal of Taoist vessel and that of treasure vessel. If I guess correctly, it's the first time for you to repair the seal of Taoist vessel?"

Chen Jie stood with a negative hand, turned around, and fixed his eyes on the gradually solidified golden pagoda.

The small tower is the seal of Daoqi. From the appearance, it has been restored to 7788, which is extremely strong.

However, only Chen Jie can see that the miraculous mark runes in Taoist utensils have not been repaired at all. Instead, they are randomly combined. The effect after repairing is that all kinds of miraculous mark runes devour and influence each other!

Just like, when you peel an egg, the outer shell has been repaired, but the translucent film inside has been dilapidated and mixed together.

It's impossible to give birth to life!

Hearing Chen Jie's words, Ji Xuan's face was full of unbelievable words: "you, how do you know?"

Although he is the first spirit Master, he is far from touching the level of Dao ware. He just mends treasure ware.

He widened his eyes and tried to suppress the surprise in his heart. At a glance, he could see that his technique was unfamiliar. What kind of monster was this young man?

Around, the three elders are also shocked. Can master Ji Xuan be so impolite? Is Chen Jie really saying that?

"The biggest difference between Taoist utensils and treasure utensils is that there are miraculous mark runes in Taoist utensils."

"Unlike the talisman, the talisman does not add the talisman on his own, but let it come into being through the interaction between heaven and earth, so you'd better take it back."

Chen Jie gave a cold smile.

"How can it be fixed?"

Master Changyan stood behind Chen Jie. His expression changed many times just now, from shock to disappointment, and from disappointment to horror.

"It's very simple, the power of communication between heaven and earth."

Chen Jie slightly raised his eyelids and looked at Ji Xuan: "now, do you understand?"

"I see..."

Ji Xuan's face was blue and white. He remembered every word Chen Jie said.

Before that, he accidentally got an ancient book of Lingshi written by yilingdao.

The ancient books are dilapidated, only the first half of them are left. The first part is about the most essential difference between Taoist tools and spirit tools, which is exactly the same as what Chen Jie said!

"How to communicate the power of heaven and earth?"

Elder Su Yun frowned slightly. What he was worried about was the seal of shenhuang tower. As an elder here, he watched the seal getting weaker and weaker, and was very anxious.

In addition, he destroyed the stronghold of the demon warrior in the wasteland city last time. When elder Su Yun learned that the demon warrior was going to slaughter the city, he thought hard.

The purpose of the demon warrior is definitely more than slaughtering the city. It's very possible to completely destroy the seal and save the demon clan Da Neng!

After all, the demon Zun, the big demon Zun and so on are all attached to the frontier demon clan. Only they can remove the violent factor in their bodies.

"You guys, release all your spiritual power and protect the top level."

Chen Jie light said.

"What are you doing to protect the top floor?"

Ji Xuan showed a puzzled color: "do you repair the seal, but also damage the surrounding environment?"

"Ha ha, the power of rune is the Dao in the Dao ware. You can't imagine it."

Chen Jie's eyes closed, no longer speak, his whole body clothes, suddenly no wind automatic, the soul of the God Emperor will, is interfering with the law of heaven and earth track.


All of a sudden, master Changyan felt a piercing crisis, as if he had been targeted by a kind of invisible rules!

With a roar, his face flashed with shock and fright, and a strong and powerful spirit power quickly penetrated the surrounding walls and shrouded in the periphery.

Seeing this, the three elders and Ji Xuan also roared violently, and all the four extreme and eight level strong cultivation burst out.

It can be seen that on the top of the towering shenhuang tower, a golden light shield emerges and shoots out a brilliant light, like a small sun, which blinds everyone.


Chen Jie's eyes slowly open and close, a will of the king to the world, through the body out!


In a flash, the clouds changed color, the cloudless sky was gray.

One after another dark thick, rolling thunder clouds, constantly blowing up the void, as if out of thin air, gathered at the top of the holy waste tower.

The whole sky, directly like dusk, was completely dark. It was almost out of sight.

There are many visions, as if the end of the day is coming, only the occasional flash of terror lightning, instantly lit up countless faces of fear and fear, with a breath of terror.



At the bottom of shenhuang pagoda, countless Tiange disciples and DIGE disciples were in a panic. They had no momentum of being senior students and ran frantically.

"My God! What's the matter? What's the matter with shenhuang tower? "

"It's said that there is a powerful demon clan suppressed under the shenhuang tower. Did it break the seal and come into the world?"

At this moment, the top floor of shenhuang tower.

Chen Jie's eyes burst out with a terrible light. His black hair drifted back and he stood with his hands down. His clothes were windless!

His eyes, like a king in the world, like overlooking all living beings, full of indifference!

Chen Jie's face is indifferent, and his physical momentum is rising. He points to heaven as if he were the king of heaven patrolling, as if he were giving orders to heaven.

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