Chen Jie naturally heard about the inner layer of the ghost sea, but he didn't expect that the undersea mountains under his feet were actually the marks of the inner layer.

Chen Jie naturally knows how terrible it is here. If the generals were not around, he would run away immediately.

Here, even if there is a wild animal in the water is not happy, a random roar, even if it is a trace of the water, it will make Chen Jie seriously injured or even killed.

At the moment, Chen Jie said to the cadres, "we have to go back, now."

The general nodded, and then took Chen Jie to heaven slowly. Naturally, he did not forget to wrap himself with spiritual power and spiritual power.

Under their feet is the infamous ghost sea, even the most dangerous inner sea area, but with the sky rank cadres around, Chen Jie also has some confidence.

Immediately, they were on their way directly in the air. The speed was not fast, but it was very stable. They could just keep up with the consumption of spiritual power.

It is needless to say that the sword spirit itself, as an energy body, naturally absorbs energy at a high speed, not to mention Chen Jie's help.

Chen Jie has been delivering energy to the general's body to make him fly faster. He is absorbing the aura of his whole body with the fastest speed of the five elements.

In this way, they cooperate with each other to maximize their efficiency. It took them four days to come in from the ghost sea, and now they go out in the same way.

Five days later, they returned to Lingyun city.

Because they followed the ice fire double headed shark for about half a day, and then spent some time on their way, so it took them five days to go back to the human world.

Then, Chen Jie rented a single Qingyan sculpture and went back to Tonghai City, the capital of the water kingdom.

With the 12-day round trip from Tonghai city to Lingyun City, 20 days have passed since Chen Jie's two month vacation.

At the moment, Chen Jie is lying in a quiet hotel room, playing with the ice and fire magic core in his hand.

Although the ice fire double headed shark is huge, the ice fire core is only the size of a fist. The ice fire core contains most of the energy of the ice fire double headed shark. It's all contained in the core, and it has a very solid shell outside. It's hard to shake it without the strength of the Ninth level of the divine realm.

This is also one of the talents of the ice fire double headed shark group. The most original part of the body is extremely solid and strong. It can't be easily damaged by the enemy. As long as the head is not directly destroyed and pierced, it can be slowly recovered.

However, what this ice fire double headed shark didn't expect was that the man who came to attack him had the strength of the third level of Tianjing. Naturally, he was killed by the general without any suspense.

And this firm incomparable core, nature also is to be able to get by the cadre easily.

This magic core is like a transparent crystal ball, in which there are two kinds of liquid, red and blue, flowing slowly, but without invading each other, as if there is an invisible film in the middle.

As Chen Jie's hands move up and down, the liquid also appears wavy stripes, which looks very beautiful.

But Chen Jie knows that there is a terrible energy hidden in the beauty.

If this energy bursts out completely, everything within tens of meters around will turn into powder.

Chen Jie also has a big heart. If ordinary people knew that there was such terrible energy in this beautiful crystal ball, they would not dare to touch him at all.

After the cadre told Chen Jie about the defense level of the crystal ball, Chen Jie directly took it and played with it in his hands, because he was so beautiful.

After Chen Jie had played enough, they set out to head for the hunter headquarters.

"I'm afraid they'll be surprised to see that I've finished the task of evaluating the martial god level."

Chen Jie is quite happy in his heart and says in secret.

He wanted to laugh when he thought of the frightened expression of the front desk when he took the task.

Although this task is not completed by himself, the cadres are also a part of his strength. Chen Jie has no feeling in his heart.

After all, he is not for the high reward, nor for his reputation in the hunter headquarters, but for the so-called martial god evaluation.

All his plans will be realized with the evaluation of Wushen.

It can be said that without the evaluation of the martial god, his future plans would be impossible. Only by getting the evaluation of the martial god can we carry out the later plan.

It can be said that this task, which is particularly terrible in other people's eyes, is just the most basic stepping stone in Chen Jie's eyes.

Chen Jie walks in the street, feeling the hustle and bustle of people on the street. He enjoys the last comfort.

He knew that after this two month vacation, he would not have any free time for a long time.

Because he needs to get the quota outside the territory, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

No matter the orc old man with terrible strength, or the sword who followed him wholeheartedly, it was the existence of terrible strength for him, and there was no possibility of fighting back at all.

All external forces, after all, are not as strong as themselves. Only when they become stronger, can they have stronger capital to contact the higher world until they reach the top.

Sitting on a pack horse in the city, Chen Jie soon arrived at the hunter's headquarters.

Every time Chen Jie comes here, he will give a surprise to the people here, and this time is no exception.

Chen Jie went directly to the front desk and told him his task.

As soon as the front desk staff saw that it was this notorious task, they didn't dare to neglect it. They called the waiter to wait for Chen Jie in the lounge.

All the tasks under the God of martial arts need to be verified by the task verification officer. If the God of martial arts is above the God of martial arts, there is no need to verify the task. There will be a special person to receive the task. You only need to hand over the task items to get the reward.

Chen Jie is led to a very hidden room by the waiter. The room is full of gorgeous patterns. Although it is complicated, it doesn't dazzle people. It has a kind of classical feeling.

There are fruit plates and drinks in the middle of the room. The waiter respectfully told Chen Jie in the black robe, "Mr. Wu Shen, please wait here for two minutes. The receptionist will be there soon."

This waiter is just the person who brought Chen Jie here, not the receptionist of Chen Jie.

Chen Jie can't help but wonder what kind of people will come to receive him with the task he is now handing over?

Chen Jie's fingers tap on the luxurious sofa. Every time, Chen Jie's fingers sink into the sofa without any sound. It can be seen that the quality of the sofa is excellent.

Soon, the door with gold thread creaks open, and a mature and plump woman comes in.

Chen Jie's mind rang out a voice, is the voice of the vicissitudes of life, said: "be careful of this woman, he is the strength of heaven."

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