“Rub, the international situation, Brother Fear, you are also concerned about the recent … No, I almost took you off-track, it’s like this, it’s not me looking for you, it’s Lao Yu looking for you, wait a minute, I’ll call Lao Yu over.

Li Junfei ran out of the dormitory door.

Lao Yu, whose full name is Yu Xiaoqi, is a study committee member in the class and lives in the dormitory next door to Zhang Yuan.

Speaking of Yu Xiaoqi.

Zhang Wei couldn’t help but think of the haunted meeting in the morning, Yu Xiaoqi was in the ghost domain, and he wanted to beat Zhou Pingyun, if he hadn’t stopped him, it is estimated that Yu Xiaoqi had already beaten Zhou Pingyun, but thanks to Yu Xiaoqi, he found the matter of the bloody handprint.


Li Junfei brought Yu Xiaoqi over.

“Brother Fear, I can be considered to have found you.”

Upon seeing Zhang Yuan, Yu Xiaoqi grabbed his hand excitedly.


Without waiting for Zhang Wei to ask, Yu Xiaoqi said bluntly.

“Brother Fear, I want to ask you to help me exorcise ghosts, I don’t prostitute in vain, I’ll give money.”


Zhang Wei looked at Yu Xiaoqi.

“What, are you so weak, you met a ghost in the morning, and now you hit a ghost again? Look at your face, it’s not a lone star, you won’t be scared, look at everything is suspicious, rest assured, you haven’t encountered a ghost. ”

There is an eye of heaven.

Zhang Wei measured Yu Xiaoqi, and he couldn’t see that there was yin qi or anger on him, and it didn’t look like there were ghosts pestering.

“Brother Fear, you misunderstood.”

Yu Xiaoqi opened his mouth and explained.

“I want to ask you to help my dad exorcise ghosts, my dad he… You may have encountered a ghost. ”

And then.

Yu Xiaoqi explained the matter.

This morning’s haunting incident, Yu Xiaoqi knew that there were ghosts in the world.

Not everyone is as big-hearted as Zhang Dao, and when encountering ghosts, they can still have time to play tricks and eat with peace of mind.

More students are like Yu Xiaoqi, who has palpitations and is afraid that ghosts really exist, so what if they encounter ghosts in the future, they are afraid to go out at night.


Yu Xiaoqi called the family, thinking of chatting with his parents and Lala to find some spiritual comfort, after all, Wei Daosi told them to keep it secret and not tell others about ghosts.

Yu Xiaoqi called his father.

During the chat, Yu Xiaoqi accidentally learned that a human life had occurred in his father’s company.

Yu Xiaoqi’s father is a real estate businessman who is in charge of project construction.

Not long ago, he contracted the construction of a real estate project.

The day before yesterday, construction began to dig the foundation, and as a result, a coffin was dug up.

In the beginning.

Yu Xiaoqi also thought that when his father said human life, he meant digging out the coffin, but the result was not.

After the coffin was dug up, his father temporarily stopped the project, afraid that if the coffin’s family came to find it, there would be a dispute, so he planned to inquire whose grave it was and negotiate with the family.

Originally, his father thought that this was obscure enough.

But the next day.

The workers went to work and saw the construction site security guard in charge of the night watch, died next to the hanger, looked at the security guard’s death, fell to death, it is estimated that it was last night, the security guard climbed on the hanger, accidentally lost his footing and fell to death.

If it had been changed before, Yu Xiaoqi would not have thought about ghosts.

I will only think that his father is very unlucky, and he is digging coffins again, and he is accidentally dying at the construction site.

But since I knew that there were ghosts in the world.

Yu Xiaoqi couldn’t help but think more.

The day before the coffin was dug up, and the next day someone lost his footing and fell to death, is there such a coincidence in time?

“Brother Fear, you said that my father hit a ghost, because he dug other people’s graves and made the owner of the grave angry.”

Yu Xiaoqi said nervously.

The other side.

Zhang Wei opened the hamburger package in his hand and ate the burger out loud.

“It’s not impossible.”

“As the saying goes, a man’s dwelling, a ghost dwells in a grave, and a grave is a home for the dead, and if the person who lives in the grave has not been reincarnated, your father demolished its grave as if he were tearing down his home.”


“If this tomb is a treasure land of feng shui, then demolishing its tomb is not only as simple as demolishing the house, but also demolishing the luck and wealth of its descendants.”

“From ancient times to the present, choosing a place for burial is just like when we buy a house, we will choose to buy it based on the type of house and the geographical location.”

“And the grave is even more so, even more exquisite and important than us living people buying a house.”

“A good feng shui grave is not only good for the people who are buried, but also good for the families of future generations, on the contrary, water can carry a boat and can also overturn it, a bad feng shui grave will not only not be good for future generations, but also cut off descendants.”

“If the grave dug by your father is a tomb of a treasure of feng shui, it is equivalent to not only demolishing its home, but also affecting its descendants, you know.”

In words.

Zhang thought of Yu Xiaoqi, his father, a real estate developer.

As a real estate, the selection of land to build a house is also particular about the natural selection of land, otherwise how to sell a house, then the place it chooses is a good place, is a feng shui treasure land possibility is not impossible.

At this time.

Yu Xiaoqi became even more nervous when he heard it.

“Feng Shui treasure land?! Why didn’t I expect this, Brother Fear, you help me see if the land my father chose is a treasure land of feng shui.

Then he hurriedly took his mobile phone and Baidu showed the map to Zhang Yuan.

You can see.

The land that his father bid for is indeed very good, there is a living water river next to it, and it is located on the main road, and the traffic is very convenient.

Looked at.

Zhang pointed to the map.

“This is indeed a treasure land of feng shui, from the perspective of feng shui, ‘there is a river in front of the grave, there is a road behind the grave, and the fortune of the descendants cannot be lost’.”

“In feng shui, there is a river and water is wealth, long-term flowing water is better, a steady stream of long-term wealth, as for the road is the meaning of a future, how to say, oh, the road is ahead, the future is all power.”

Has acquired knowledge of ghosts.

Zhang Dao understood very well.

Once the treasure land of feng shui is destroyed, it will no longer be a treasure land of feng shui, and it can also turn the fierceness of the treasure land of feng shui upside down.

Be aware of the severity.

Zhang Ao also stopped eating hamburgers and said bluntly.

“School Committee, why are you looking for me, it stands to reason that you should look for a squad leader, and you don’t know that the squad leader is a guardian master.”

Yu Xiaoqi shook his head and sighed.

“Actually, I looked for it, and as soon as I heard my dad say that, I quickly looked for it.”

“But the squad leader said that my home is in the northeast, and I have to find the guardian division in charge of my side of the house, and she said to help me talk to her captain, let the captain report it, and help notify the guardian division on my side of the house.”

“I don’t know when the Guardian over there will come.”

“I heard the squad leader say that demons and ghosts have appeared frequently in the northeast recently.”

“The Northeast Guardian Division may not be able to take the time out to deal with my family’s affairs at the first time, and may have to wait for me.”

“This Nima man’s life is at stake, why wait.”

“Say it again.”

“Compared to Wei Daosi, I feel that Brother Fear is more reliable than you, so Brother Fear helps me.”

“How much does it cost, you say, 50,000, 100,000? You say a price, I will definitely give it to you. He


Yu Xiaoqi seemed to think of something and hurriedly spoke.

“By the way, Brother Fear, you went out with the class leader today, you may not know that Wei Daosi came forward and asked the school to give our class three days off.”

In order to avoid students encountering ghosts and psychological effects, Wei Daosi thought of giving Zhang Fear a vacation, going to see a psychologist, or making psychological adjustments, which was the usual use of Wei Daosi to deal with people encountering ghosts in the past.

Not everyone is as strong as iron, especially when encountering ghosts, most people are still in the mood to go to work and school.

“There are three days off, Brother Fear doesn’t have to worry about going to the northeast to help my father exorcise ghosts, which will affect his studies.”

“And Brother Fear, you don’t have to worry about the cost, I will cover all the food, accommodation and travel this time.”

In the face of Yu Xiaoqi’s pleading.

With his life at stake, Zhang agreed to go to the northeast.

“First of all, I can’t guarantee if there are really ghosts, in case there are no ghosts, you can’t ask me to pay for food and housing.”

“Wipe, how can it, originally I felt that my father might hit a ghost.”

“Okay, then you see when you leave.”

“Tomorrow is okay, go early.”



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